part 12

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"Anna pays y/n a visit and makes her feel guilty for what she has "done." What makes her feel the need to visit y/n's home and express herself? Is there more to Anna's tears? Y/n makes it clear that not every promise is meant to be kept, but why? Will things get better?"


I couldn't stop crying. How could she just leave me from him. I felt sick to my stomach. After all these years of being best friends, s/he chooses someone who they barely know.


I physically and mentally couldn't process what just happened in my house. Why did she feel the need to burst in there and give ME attitude? As I did my own recap of what happened, I ended up feeling bad. Maybe I was too harsh on her... after all, we are best friends.

In the car, I felt as if I was being watched. I turned my attention from the window, to my left and saw him, Taehyung, slightly watching me from the side of his eyes.

"What?" I asked quietly with a small smile, as I looked back out the window, which only showed flashing lights, and the skies darkness.

"... are you sure you're up to party?" Taehyung asked as he gripped the wheel with one hand while the other lowered the music in the car.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm up for it..." I exclaimed in a amusement tone.

Uhm, fake amusement.
I heard him sigh as I slightly shook my head and leaned my head back. "Anna's my friend, she just— she's just stressed... that's all." I expressed tiredly. Even I couldn't comprehend what happened on there.

I could hear Taehyung chuckle, I fixed my attention towards him to only see him nodding his head in a mocking way. Excuse me? This man wants to fight.

Already annoyed by this conversation, I asked coldly "are we almost near Loren's house? I'm honestly not down to talk to you," I said impulsively as I crossed my arms and looked back at the stars. The only response I earned was a small, "five minutes away.."

I heard in his voice how that, in fact, affected him a negative way. I felt a pit in my stomach, what's going on with me?

— — — — — 10 minutes — — — — —

At the party

"Y/n! Come here!" Loren shouted over the piercing loud rap music, from across the living room floor. I got up from the couch, thank god, I thought. I was feeling so uncomfortable... Taehyung was out and about partying with these girls, leaving me behind.

In all honesty, I don't blame him. If the roles were reversed I'd ignore the crap out of me too.

As I was about to leave the room, I looked up slightly to see teaching eyeing me. I shook my head slightly and only prayed that this night would get better. wait. I had every reason to being upset, I wasn't comfortable speaking about what happened with MY best friend. Why would he be upset with that? Besides, I hardly know the kid.

I left the room to see Loren holding a plastic red cup filled with a strong scented fluid, vodka? We're literally underage, if we get caught... I don't even want to know what my mother would do to me.

All I know, the whole world would know who I am.

"Hey!" I smiled and shouted over the music.

Loren smiled drunkenly and giggled, "y/n meet my cousin, Jungkook." She said and gulped down the liquid, she squinted her eyes and made a sour face as she wiped her lips.

"Jungkook, this is my f-friend!" She stuttered out. What is she even doing. She pointed to me and winked. Lord please no.

My face became a light shade of pink, this is so embarrassing. Jungkook, on the other hand, looked pissed off at her. "Oh my— Loren, please stop.." he said and looked down at his cup.

"You're such a child — you need to learn how to live and have f-fun!" She shouted over the music, making Jungkook look back up at her and glare her down.

"I am living life — whatever..." he said giving up awkwardly on her. Jungkook shook his head and gave me an apologetic look, "I'm so sorry about her... but yeah- my name is Jungkook.." he said looking at me.

"Whatever" she said, obviously drunk, she came over to me and hugged my and whispered something that was hardly audible. She let me go and wobbled back to the kitchen to grab herself some chips.

Anyways, I nodded my head and chuckled, "i'm y/n... nice to meet you!" I said back to him. "You too," he said smiling at me.

We stood there for a couple of seconds. The most painful seconds of my life. I looked everywhere around me, avoiding Jungkook.

Jungkook cleared his throat and began saying, "uhm do you— where are you from?" He said awkwardly.

I'm gonna cry.

"... *confused* I'm from (y/city/n) ... you? " I asked and laughed at the random question.

"I'm so sorry, you see I never do this— like I mean I do— but like hardly ever...." he said giggling awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head with his empty hand.

"Jungkoo" a manly scream comes from behind me, scaring the literal soul out of me.

I turn around and see Taehyung smiling and coming towards us, great. That's all I need.

"No way! What's up?" Jungkook exclaimed and hand shook Taehyung as they slightly hugged. "Oh man, it's been a while huh? What are you doing here? I thought this was a school party?" Taehyung smiled and looked at me with some intense eyes.

"My cousins invited me, she said that since I'm in town for a while I should meet some of her friends..." he laughed and looked at me.

I stood awkwardly smiling at both men who were infront of me. If the lights were to shut off, I promise I would sprint out of here.

I smiled at them and began saying, "yeah— Loren introduced me to Jungkook... I didn't know you guys knew each other... small world..." I smiled at Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled back and began, "yeah, thank god she did. I was literally standing here alone for a solid hour—" Taehyung interrupted, "he's literally been my friend since second grade- we lived in the same are for awhile until i recently moved." He said, deep down I could see how it really hurt him, the move.

I awed at their friendship, until i felt a vibration coming from my phone.

Unknown : You've got some explaining to do.


I hope you guys enjoyed this part! I'll b updating it hopefully weekly! Comment, like, follow, etc— for more!

Hope you have a great day - and a restful break!

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