part 13

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Loren introduced us to her cousin from out of town. After catching up, y/n receives a chilling message.


Without thinking about it, I shut my phone off not feeling the need to "explain" myself to anyone, especially to an unknown number. It's almost laughable, it was obviously Anna who was trying to scare me away from being friends with Taehyung.

It was almost as if it were on a cue when I quickly got distracted by Taehyung calling out my name, "y/n! Look! watch this," he said with a glossy look in his eyes as he laughed at the people drunkenly dancing on the living room table.


Jungkook side eyed y/n almost as if he were watching for her/his reaction to Taehyung laughing. A small smile grew upon his face when he caught y/n giggling at the sight that was in front of them.

Watching people drunkenly dance was just as comedic as ever and it was something that would always make him laugh.

*ring* *ring*

A loud ring was heard over the loud party music that blasted through the main floor of Loren's house. Jungkook looked around not realizing that the buzzing was coming from the inside of his left pocket. He grabbed his phone and immediately declined the phone call.

Y/n on the other hand, was paying attention to her surroundings. She noticed Jungkook frantically grab his phone and she saw his panic face.


I looked away from Jungkook realizing that it wasn't any of my business to ask what was wrong as I literally just met the guy. I sighed and grabbed myself a cup of "punch" and crossed my arms as I was watching all the people from my grade dance and have fun. Taehyung was on the floor drinking with his new friends, causing me to feel my stomach turn, almost in complete jealousy.

The feeling was unnecessary, we're only friends.

I took a bigger sip of the "punch" and licked my lips as I squinted at the bitter sweet taste of the alcoholic beverage that was going down my throat.

As I continued drinking and watching everyone dance, I felt as if my surroundings were no longer crystal clear, yet instead, they were almost blurry. With my vision not allowing me to see clearly, I still couldn't help but notice a familiar frame that stood near the entrance of the room.

Although the house was packed with dancing teens, I noticed this person only because it was Anna.

What the hell is she doing here if she wasn't even invited?

Anna walked closer to me but avoided eye contact with me as she went and grabbed a glass of "punch". I couldn't help but notice the lines on her forehead which gave the frown away. Besides me, who is she here with?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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