Childhood Memories Part 1: First Meeting

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(Young Sisu's POV)

A long time ago, in a valley far up in the mountains, 6 young dragons were seen running around, having some fun. I'm one of them. I'm Sisu, a female water dragon with the ability to swim fast. My eldest sister is Pranee, a female dragon with the ability to shape shift. My little sister Amba, a female dragon with the ability to glow. My sister Aqawa, a female dragon with the ability to make rainfall. My eldest brother Pengu, a male dragon with the ability to use Hyetokinesis. And my brother Jagan, a male dragon with the ability to create fog around him. Together, we 6 dragons went up the mountains to have some fun. Right now, my little sister and my elder were playing tag and, well, he was . "I'm gonna get you, Pengu!" Amba said. "Ha! Only in your dreams, sister." Pengu said. Amba jumped at him, but missed. "I'll get you eventually!" Amba said and continued to chase after Pengu, while the others were doing their thing. Pranee was practicing his shape shifting ability to see what he can change into, including a human. Jagan was meditating as he was focusing on his ability. Aqawa was looking up in the sky. I was looking at the flowers and sighed as they weren't blooming.

Amba noticed and went over to me. "Hey, you alright, Sisu?" Amba asked. "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm alright. Just looking at the flowers." I said. "They aren't blooming at all. Why aren't they? Do they need water or something?" Amba asked. "Maybe. Hey, Aqawa. Think you can give us a talon or two to help out out with the flowers? Maybe bring in some rain?" I asked. "I don't think they look like they need anymore. They have plenty." Aqawa said. "Well, figured I'd ask." Sisu said. Just then, the flowers start started to bloom. "Huh? Hey, the flowers are blooming." I said. "What? No way. I didn't even make it rain. How did they do that?" Aqawa asked. Just then, we heard music going in the distance. "What's that sound?" Pranee asked. "I'm not sure, but come on. Let's go check it out." Pengu said. We all then took off to the source of the singing, but as we got closer to it, it actually sounds so peaceful and beautiful. We then stopped and looked around as we made it to the source. As we were looking around, I looked up to see a male dragon resting on a rock with his eyes closed.

As I made my way to him, I heard music started playing and the dragon started singing.

Wow. His voice sounded so much like an angels. Especially at a young age. After snapping out of my thoughts, Pengu and the others were beside me and we looked at the male dragon. "Hey, you." Pengu said. He turned to us and smiled. "Oh. Hey, guys. I didn't expect to see more dragons like myself. What's up?" He asked. "That singing of yours. It made the flowers bloom." Amba said. "Really? Guess that means I'm getting better at my ability." He said. "Wait, your ability is singing?" Jagan asked. "Well, yeah. My parents are great singers. I got my ability from them, but more enhanced in a way." He said. "Enhanced?" Aqawa asked. "Yeah. I can bring all of nature to it's natural life by just singing a song or anything that counts as singing. But, enough of that. Let's get to the introductions. My name's Y/N L/N. But, friends call me N/N. Who are you guys?" N/N asked.

(Your Young POV)

"I'm Pengu. And these are my siblings. Aqawa, Pranee, Amba, Jagan, and Sisu. We're dragon siblings." Pengu said. "It's nice to meet you all." You said. "You, too." Sisu said. "So, tell me. What brings you guys here, huh?" You asked as you rested on a rock, looking at the others. "Who are you asking?" Pengu asked. "Well, I'm asking the, uh, cyan dragon. What's your name again?" You asked, trying to remember. "Sisu." Sisu said. "Sisu! Got it. I'll remember that. Anyways, I'm asking you. What brings you and your siblings here?" You asked. "Well, we were going on with our business for a while when I noticed flowers that weren't blooming until we heard you singing and it made the flowers bloom. And so, we followed your singing voice here and found out you were the source of the singing. And I gotta say, your singing is just really wonderful. A masterpiece carved by angels from Heaven." Sisu said. You smiled and chuckled as you blushed slightly. "First time anyone's said that to me." You said.

"She's not lying. Your wonderful singing voice fits you pretty well, my friend." Pengu said. "Couldn't say it any better, brother." Pranee said. "Really? You think it fits me?" You asked. "He didn't say think, did he?" Sisu asked. You chuckled. "Fair enough." You said. "So, what were you doing before you started to sing?" Amba asked. "I wanted to see how nature was doing, but it seems to be dying out. Must be the Druun. They're growing stronger every day. We won't be able to contain them for long." You said. "He's right. We must be ready for them. Until then, why don't you stick around with us? It'll be more fun than going alone." Jagan asked. "Will it be? Really?" You asked. "Yeah. Come on. Trust us. Trust me, at least." Sisu said. What she said about trust was like music playing from within your heart. And the way she said it was pitch perfect. So, you came to a decision and nodded. "Alright. If you guys insist, then count me in." You said. Everyone smiled and you smiled with them. "So, tell me something. What do you guys do for fun? Or do you even know how to have fun?" You asked. "Fun is our middle name. And just as much as you do. Why? What'd you have in mind?" Aqawa asked.

"I was thinking about maybe playing some Hide-and-Seek or maybe Tag or something related." You said. "I was just playing tag with Pengu earlier ago. I don't want to have to chase down another one." Amba said. "Then, how about I be it, huh?" You asked. "If you insist. And starting now! Fan out!" Pengu said as everyone started running away. You chuckled and jumped down from the rock and start to run after the others. "Heh. I can get used to this." You said, running.

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