Epilogue: Fun Times

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(Your POV)

After finally getting caught up in everything, you, Sisu, Y/BF/N, and Y/S/N all met up with Pengu and the others and you watched as they were all chatting with each other. You chuckled and looked at the horizon, enjoying the sunshine shining on your mane and fur. After a while, you heard someone calling. "Hey, N/N." Someone said. You looked and saw the others walking away. "We're about to celebrate our victory at a water hole. Wanna join?" Y/S/N asked. "Sure. I don't mind." You said. You then got up and walked with the others. After a while, you all ended up at a water hole and most of you was relaxing on the ground while the others were swimming. You were on the sand, watching your sister and Sisu swimming together. Soon, they both giggled after having a lot of fun.

 Soon, they both giggled after having a lot of fun

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"Your fun to hang out with. I'll be honest, I didn't think you'd be this much fun. N/N should be lucky to have someone like you." Y/S/N said. "Come on, ladies. I'm right here. But, trust me. I am feeling lucky to be dating Sisu." You said. "Well, brother, back then, you had a terrible taste in drawing in girls." Y/S/N said. "Oh, shut up, sis." You said. "What? It's true. Well, until you found your talent in singing." Y/S/N said. "Ah. Did he really have a terrible taste?" Sisu asked. "Yeah. Hahaha. There was this one time when he-" "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! Sister." You interrupted. "What? You nervous?" Y/S/N asked. "No, I'm not." You said. "Then, prove it. Hop in with Sisu." Y/S/N said. "Wait, you want me to what?" You asked. "Swim with Sisu. Come on." Y/S/N said. "Nah. I'm good. I mean, I would, but nah." You said as you rambled on.

(Sisu's POV)

Y/S/N nudged her head, which signaled me to pull him in. I slowly and discreetly crept up on him and pulled him in and he yelped. Me and Y/S/N laughed and he got up and sneezed and glared at us.

 Me and Y/S/N laughed and he got up and sneezed and glared at us

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"What? She told me to do it." I said. "Hey, your the one that agreed to do it." Y/S/N said. "Because you told me to do it." I said. "Did either of you hear me talking?" Y/S/N asked.

(Your POV)

As they both were trying to avoid getting attacked by you, you decided to get both of them because their both at fault. You then splashed both of them and they looked at you. "Hey, you both are at fault. You told her to do it and you agreed to do it. Hence, you both at fault." You explained. They looked at each other and you and you three laughed. After a while, you went swimming with Sisu and you got out and watched her as she continued. 'She still swims very beautifully.' You thought. After a while again, you told the others you were gonna take a break before joining them and looked at the horizon. "So, this is where you go to get away from everyone?" Someone asked. You looked to see Sisu and chuckled.

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds really bad

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"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds really bad." You said. She giggled and then rested next to you and looked at the horizon as the sun was setting. "Sigh. So, we won." Sisu said. "Yeah." You said. "You doing alright?" Sisu asked. "Huh? Yeah, I'm alright." You said. "You sure? How do you feel about your brother?" Sisu asked. You then looked down as you thought about him.

"He wasn't my brother

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"He wasn't my brother. I guess he was me as a dark dragon. He was a figment of my imagination." You said. "Oh. How'd you feel after you found out?" Sisu asked. "Well, it's hard to explain." You said. "I get it." Sisu said. You both watched the sunset more and you looked at her. "What?" Sisu asked. "Just watching the sun shine on you makes me feel like I'm looking at an angel." You said. Sisu looked away and blushed and smiled. "Y-Your just saying that." Sisu said. "No, I'm being honest. You really do." You said as you held her hand. She looked at you and smiled. "You know, if I'm being honest here, I can kinda see our future. It's foggy, but it's decent." You said. "Does it happen to contain the fact that we're gonna be parents?" Sisu asked. You blushed and scratched your head. "Uh, possibly. Yeah." You said. "I thought so. To be honest, I don't mind that at all. At least I'll be with you." Sisu said as she rested her head on your shoulder. "Me, too, with you." You said. You both then pecked each other on the lips and smiled as you both looked at each other.

"Hey, guys. We're about to start a swimming competition. You joining?" Y/S/N asked. "Yeah, we'll be there in a few." You said. She walked away and you looked at her. "Come on. Let's go join the others." Sisu said. "Alright. Meet you down." You said. You both then took off into the water hole and that concludes your story.

For now.

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