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It was his job. Obviously, he would notice and Ren job was to help them. She could never turn them in but Yoongi would.

Yoongi immediately parked the truck on the side. "Stay here" He ordered.

Ren got off and ran after him.

"Hey! What your doing is illegal?! You can't cross over. If you do I'll turn you in!" He yelled at them.

Ren said. "Stop yelling at them! There's a little boy involved. Would you like it if someone yelled at your kid like that? Let me handle this."

Yoongi stopped her. "This isn't your job. Go back to the truck."

Ren ignored him and said. "I don't work for him. Ok?" She showed up her hands and got closer to them.

"Quit it! They can be dangerous!" Yoongi shouted from behind.

"No you quit. Go back to the truck. I got this!" Ren turned to tell him but he didn't listen.

"Yoongi they won't cross over. Let me speak to them and if they continue to try to cross over then I'll let you arrest them." Ren looked at him.

Yoongi looked at her crazy and sighed in frustration.

Ren whispered to them. "What happened?"

"We were ditched on the side of the road. Our money was taken but they didn't take us." The woman said holding her son's hand.

Ren said. "I tell you what. I'll cross you over but a different way."

"But we don't have money."

"I don't care about the money. Continue to walk down this path and one of my people will pick you up. Then they will cross you over."

"Aren't you working for the border patrol?" She asked as she looked at Yoongi.

"I cross people over under cover. Trust me in this." Ren winked at them before walking back to Yoongi's truck.

The woman and her son did what she said. It made Yoongi think they actually changed their minds.

"What did you tell them?" Yoongi asked.

"Could you hurry up and drive? I haven't ate nothing and really want to eat something before I pass out." Ren said holding her forehead.

Yoongi asked. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"No, just drive."

Yoongi looked once in awhile in his rear mirror until the woman and her son were not in sight anymore. Ren texted J-hope to pick them up and help them out. She got a text back later saying they were safe.

Yoongi asked. "Boyfriend?"

Ren looked at him. "Why?"

"I saw you smiling at your phone." Yoongi replied.

Ren nodded her head. "Yeah, he's amazing."

"What made you date him?"

"The way he speaks about immigrants just made me fall for him. He just gets the big picture here. He doesn't like border patrol-"

"He's in America?"

"Uh-yeah. Wh-"

Yoongi stopped the car. "He's probably an immigrant!"

"I don't care about status."

"No no Ren. That's illegal."

"Then I'll marry him now. So, you won't arrest him."

Border Patrol Agent: MYGWhere stories live. Discover now