Back Seat

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However, he was completely wrong. Ren never came back and he was left with Alie to take care on his own. The days, weeks and months went by but nothing.

Yoongi had border patrol out working many hours throughout the day and even nights. He even continued without them at night but nothing. "Did she really move far away?" The members were no where to be found. He even hacked into the cleaners cameras to stalk everyone that came in and out like if he was the owner of the place. All sorts of places that he could think about were all dead ends. He went to her mother's house but the place was abandoned. He installed cameras just in case she decided to come back. "I mean she had to, right?" He thought to himself. "What if she actually retired and is on vacation?" He really wanted to believe that one for Alie too. He would gladly join her but it was to good to be true.

"Sir, mail came in for you." A agent walked into his office.

"Thanks you can leave it on my desk." Yoongi said as he was getting an ice americano.

When he finally came to open it Yoongi didn't even see the front to see who it was from. He just assumed it was something else that he was used to seeing everyday. A simple sentence was all that was in the center of this piece of paper.

"Stop looking for me. I'm a criminal."

He looked on the envelope and it had no address. "Someone dropped it off." He told himself. Yoongi quickly began to look at the security cameras and saw Cham walk up to the building to drop it off.

"Did she finally give him a chance because she didn't love me or Alie enough?" He asked himself with so much anger. "Fine! I won't look for you anymore because I do care for the safety of Alie. I don't want her involved in your illegal stuff and don't want to die in the process of all of this." He angrily stated. Leaving Alie without a father is not part of his plans. He's going to focus on himself and Alie. She needs him more than anybody else. He thought to himself before crumbling the piece of paper and throwing it into the recycling bin.

More months went by and no show of her. After, everything he still felt hope that maybe she would come back on her own but she didn't. "What if she thought Alie died? Maybe that's why shes living guilt free." He thought but he knew that was a lie. She's her mom Ren knew better than anyone that her daughter was very well and happy with Yoongi. The doctor never saw Ren at the hospital after she was released but she didn't have to. Her intuition, mother and daughter bond is the only thing she needed. However, there was no bond or nothing. When Alie got sick that's when Yoongi began to feel hate towards her. Alie needed her more than ever and she wasn't here.

Months turned to year and then another one. The year started without her and ended without her again. Yoongi was grateful that Alie made it through another year without her. Another birthday came but she didn't show up. First day of school came too but it was just them two. "I'm glad Alie doesn't ask about her but I know she will one day. What will I say?" He asked himself.

Yoongi got called to the school he thought maybe she got sick or something but it was great news. Apparently, Alie had a very brilliant and intelligent brain of an older kid. She was very advanced in class already. He was happy but worried. However, she didn't ask about her but he knew it was coming soon. "He couldn't hide it or could he?" He thought.

"Do you like her?" Alie asked Yoongi as she sat in front of him across from his desk.

Yoongi looked at her and then at the girl she was talking about.

"Of course not! We're coworkers and friends. You know her well and me too." He quickly said.

Alie smiled and said. "It's okay. I won't be mad."

Border Patrol Agent: MYGWhere stories live. Discover now