21. Saccharine Blood Sucker - Vampire! Izuru Kamukura x Human! Reader

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A/n: I think vampires are super cool and yet my only research on them is basically that Van Helsing movie I saw years ago and Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3. I love that angry vampire rogue!

Warning: Biting, explicit descriptions of blood and wounds, Izuru being kind of OOC because I don't know how to write for him very well :)

Synopsis: You hoped that you could get closer to the standoffish quiet boy in your night-class, and the universe has a weird way of making these things happen.

Content/Tropes: Vampires, College AU? Kinda?
Word Count: 1.9k

Izuru always seemed a little weirder than most of your other classmates, but that never stopped you from talking to him. His blunt manners were enough to drive away most people, yet that just drew you closer to him. Besides, we all have our quirks, so that doesn't make Izuru any different. He was always so mysterious, intelligent, and brooding, and you couldn't help but be interested in him.

He never opened up with anyone, including you, and the most you ever got with him were little interactions every day. Things like "Good evening," and "How are you?" were really the extent of his relationship with you, and his curt answers never left much room for growth. Your attempts to keep conversation with him alive proved futile as he glared at you irritatedly when he felt as though you were talking too much.

You had tried time and time again to invite him out on friendly outings, but he always shut you down, mumbling about how much of a bore it would be, "Besides, it's too hot to go out anyway." he would often add to his rejections, and it always seemed out of place when he would use this excuse on perfectly pleasant days.

He was always by himself, and it seemed as though he preferred it that way, but you couldn't help but wonder if he ever felt lonely. You took it upon yourself to spend time with him. Even if he preferred to be by himself, you were always a little ways away, at least sitting near him so that he wouldn't seem so lonely. Day by day you inched closer to him, cautiously trying to close in the distance between you both while wondering if he would snap at you for bothering him.

"If you want to sit next to me, just do it." He said as you tried to calculate the distance between you both when deciding how close to sit to him one day. He caught you off-guard, but you weren't about to waste this opportunity to fast-track getting closer to him. You set your things by the seat next to him, trying to make your usual small-talk that was destined to fail.

"So... how are you tonight?" You asked him before the start of your night-class, hoping to get something new out of him. "Fine." He answered directly as he always did. You weren't about to press him to keep talking, it's not like it's ever worked in the past.

That's how the rest of your following classes with him went. He was never big on conversation but that never kept you from at least trying to talk to him before being met with his short answers and spending the rest of the class in what you thought was an awkward silence, but he seemed completely fine with it.

Unfortunately, you came down with some sort of icky illness that kept you from going to class for a few days as you miserably sat in bed and tried to wait off your illness. You went back to class when you felt better, and you looked for Izuru to take a seat next to him, waving to him happily as he stared at you silently in response. "You were gone. Why?" he asked as you situated yourself next to him, and you honestly didn't think he would comment on your absence. "Yeah, I wasn't feeling too well so I stayed home... Thanks for asking though!" you chirped happily as he just responded with a "Hm."

"But, about that..." You continued, "I'm a little lost since I've been gone for a while... do you think you could help me study? At least until I'm back on track?" you asked. You really did need a bit of help, but you wondered if this was the excuse that would get him to hang out with you outside of classes. He stared at you for a moment, his eyes glaring at you coldly as though they were analyzing your motives. It felt as though he could see right through you. "Very well." He finally said after an agonizing bit of silence, exchanging numbers with you after class.

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