2. Kiyotaka "Taka" Ishimaru Boyfriend Headcanons

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What are his nicknames for you?

Everything you do makes him flustered. Everything. He likes nicknames but it takes him forever to call you one because he struggles to work up the courage to call you a nickname. His favorite nickname for you is "darling" but he also calls you "dear" and he says it with the biggest blush on his face and its the most adorable thing istg. He also gets super red if you give him a nickname. Dies if you call him "sweetie" or "honey" he was not expecting something so soft

What type of kisses does he give?

He rarely gives kisses. Not because he doesn't like them but because he gets so flustered. It gets a bit awkward sometimes because he leans in and it's obvious he wants to kiss but he also hesitates and just awkwardly pauses a few inches from your face because he second-guesses whether it's okay to kiss you. Honestly dude, just make up your mind, do you want a kiss or not? If you take the opportunity to close the distance and just kiss his cute stupid face he gets so red and has to go sit down for a minute. Another kiss that makes him short circuit is when you just walk up to him and press the smallest peck to his lips because he struggles to give you the most basic kiss but you can just walk up to him and steal one like, how?? His favorite spot to kiss you is on your forehead because it's easier for him to kiss it without turning completely red honestly, someone help him, please.

What's his ideal date?

He likes study dates the most because the dude has no idea how to chill, honestly. He isn't the greatest at planning dates since he tends to focus on how best to use his time effectively and doesn't know how to relax. Study dates are a familiar territory for him and he doesn't feel as pressured to perform chivalrous acts. However, it's still a date so throw him some curveballs with random affection. Kiss his cheek while he's focused. Please, do it for me.

Is he physically affectionate?

Tbh, not really. As previously mentioned in the kiss headcanons he gets so flustered around you. He wants to hug you! He just struggles because you're so cute and sweet and honestly perfect and he loves you so much and- he could go on forever. Once he's more comfortable in the relationship he'll start to initiate more hugs but until then, he prefers holding your hand.

What's his love language?

His love language is mostly verbal. He loves you lots and its easiest for him to just tell you. He loves to show you physical affection too but he gets so flustered, the baby!

Does he get jealous?

He doesn't get very jealous. He loves you and trusts you to do the right thing. However, if someone is hitting on you and they can't take a hint that you're dating someone else, Taka will step in. He won't get physical, but he lectures them about how dishonorable it is.

"It's shameful to pester someone who has made it known that they are neither available nor interested! Those kinds of acts could border on harassment and-!" "Taka, honey, they already left..."

How does he recover from arguments?

Taka would never do anything to make you mad. He doesn't like to fight, as the ultimate moral compass, he always tries to do the right thing. Should an argument break out he would try to be civil about it. His apology is kind of basic but still solid. He really loves you and you're the last person he would ever want to upset.

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