29. Gonta Gokuhara Boyfriend Headcanons

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A/n: Thank you all for more than 30k reads! This originally started as me having fun with the guys of Danganronpa as I was going through a Danganronpa brain rot at the time, and I can't believe how much this little project has grown! I am so grateful for all the love this book has gotten and I'm happy to keep providing you with headcanons, oneshots, and many more! Happy reading!

What are his nicknames for you?

Gonta doesn't really understand the concept of romantic nicknames at first, but when it's explained to him, he really likes them! Call him predictable, but he likes to call you by cute bug-themed nicknames like butterfly, spider, or caterpillar. He'll take to mostly calling you whichever you seemed to like the most, as others have found it weird when they found out that he calls you 'spider' (Which he doesn't really get since he thinks spiders are pretty cool) but he worries you'll think it's weird too. After he called you 'caterpillar' you called him 'beetle' as a joke, but he ended up really liking it, and it kind of just stuck. Nobody understands the bug names except you and him, but he kind of prefers it that way, it makes the nicknames feel more special.

What type of kisses does he give?

Someone told Gonta that kissing the back of someone's hand was a gentlemanly thing to do so he took that idea and ran with it. He makes it a habit to kiss the back of your hand as both a greeting and a goodbye. Whenever he tries to kiss your lips, he gets too nervous and awkwardly backs out at the last second, settling on kissing your forehead instead. He likes it when you kiss his cheeks! He sees kisses as a very intimate symbol of love, so the fact that you'd kiss his cheek really means a lot to him.

What's his ideal date?

Gonta likes picnic dates! He's definitely a romantic, and that's about the most romantic date he can think up. He likes the idea of spending time with you and being away from others for a moment. He really cherishes your alone time together, and he's always happy to just focus on you. The only downside to these sweet picnic dates is that Gonta gets a bit distracted by the bugs that undeniably find their way to you both. He gets too excited by them, so it falls to you to protect the food from the line of ants, especially if you brought anything sweet.

Is he physically affectionate?

Yes! Gonta loves physical affection! He gets accustomed to it pretty quickly, and he doesn't mind PDA as long as he doesn't upset anybody around him. He loves it when you wrap your arm around his when you walk together, especially when you're walking through crowds since it makes him feel like a protector. He also loves to hug you, and by addition, he likes to pick you up. He feels it lets him be closer to you, and he's definitely strong enough to do it! He's also a cuddler and loves it when you curl up next to him as you sleep.

What's his love language?

Gonta's love language heavily leads toward physical. He loves to hold you and he feels all warm and fuzzy inside when you kiss him! He also likes it when you surprise him with physical affection like sneaking up behind him to hug his back. He's also verbally affectionate! You make him so happy and he's always got something sweet to say about you! He thinks it's gentlemanly to say something nice to the person he loves, so when a compliment pops into his head he'll come looking for you because he just couldn't wait until he saw you again and had to tell you :)

Does he get jealous?

If Gonta sees you hanging out with someone else, he doesn't get jealous. He trusts you wholeheartedly and can't picture you going behind his back like that. However, he will get a little frustrated with the other person. Maybe they don't know that you're dating him? If it's a misunderstanding, he's more than willing to forgive them but if they do know that you're dating Gonta he won't be as kind. You're in a relationship, why would they keep trying to take you away? Fortunately, they tend to stop when they see how angry Gonta is getting since he's downright terrifying when he's mad.

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