•=•Chapter 2•=•Serenading Wind•=•

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"They had forgotten the first lesson, that we are to be powerful, beautiful, and without regret." 

Armand-Interview with A Vampire

                                   •===•Chapter 2•===•Serenading Wind•===•

I was walking round and round the living room. "Where could he be?" I kept muttering. For all I know my boyfriend could be kidnapped or worst the rogue vampires used him to be a bait for me to come to them. I didn't realize I was crying until Elizabeth gave me a pack of tissues. I wiped my bloody tears. Sometimes, I wished I was still human so I could cry normally but I wasn't anymore and tried not to cry in front of humans. It'd be weird if you see a girl crying bloody tears instead of the normal salty transparent tears.  

"Niall will come back," Elizabeth said rubbing my back gently to comfort me.  

What if he/she hurts Niall?


Elizabeth called me not long ago to tell me that Niall was missing and asked me if I knew any spells. Liam was with The other boys in Zayn's flat. I had to complete the spell fast before he comes back. I immediately ran to my shared flat with Liam. It wasn't far away at all. I closed the door behind me and ran to the room. I didn't bother turning on the light, it was bright enough to do the spell. I unlocked my safe box and took out my spell book. The book was almost covered with dust, I raised a brow. It hasnt been long since I last used it. I sneezed while blowing the dust off the book. 

I had memorized that book since it was given to me by my grandmother who was one of the greatest witch in the world. I turned to page 67, Location Spells. The spells could re-locate you or find out a person's location, which I'm going to do. I plucked grass from the back yard and a few more ingredients before starting on the spell. Halfway through I heard footsteps. Realizing that I didn't have time to clean up, I slowly turned around...to see Liam looking at me with wide eyes. 


Liam began to breathe faster than before, I don't remember him having asthma. I frowned, what's he going to think of me now? Before I could walk towards him, he had started running as fast as he could. Knowing Liam, he was a fast runner, I couldn't possibly catch up to him. But it broke my heart to see him run away. I slapped myself -I did that to myself whenever I did something wrong. I slapped myself again and again. It's my fault, I should have done it at Elizabeth and Kirsten's cottage but I was careless and did it at Liam and I's flat. I took out my phone to tell Kirsten and Elizabeth to come over. Even though Erin was my closest friend, I couldn't tell her what just happened. She was just like the boys and other people, she was human. 

Within 3 minutes the girls were already here.  

"Did you get noticed?" I asked, trying not to sob. 

"Nope, we just jumped a few roofs, more like flying though." Elizabeth smirked. 

"Are you crying?" Kirsten suddenly asked.  

"Oh my gosh, you are! What happened?" 

"I-I was c-careless a-and Li-Liam f-" before I knew it, I was crying again. I didn't know why I was crying so much, I was stronger than this. I knew Liam would be scared of me and tell the world about me. I was scared, I could be beheaded for letting the secret out. I didn't want to die just yet. 

Elizabeth hugged me into a comfy hug, making sure to rub my back. 

"Tell us what happened." Kirsten said In a soft tone. I pointed to my unfinished work on the oak floor and they nodded, probably understanding what had happened.  

Suddenly the main door opens and Liam stood there with a horrified expression with...Zayn. He pointed to me. 

"She is a freak!" 

When I heard those 4 words, it felt like my heart was ripped out from my chest. I could not believe my boyfriend called me a...freak


That'a all for now! I was so happy with the previous comments from the first chappie I decided to write the second chapter today! I was supposed to update next Friday. Speaking bout' next week, it's back-to-school for me. 

*sigh* so I'll update on Fridays and weekends if I'm not drowning in my homework x(  

It's my final year and I have a major exam towards the end of the year so... I might not be able to update as often. Anyways, please vote,review or fan!

Kirs :)

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