•=•Part 2•=•Chapter 11•=•Truth•=•

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•=•=•=•La Segunda Parte•=•=•=•


This is the truth. You cannot change nor hide it; you cannot hide from it either. The truth... It's scary but sometimes, beautiful. This is reality.

_____[mini author's note]______

Yay! We're at the second part of the book! Also... This book's actually turned one years old a few months ago and by right, it should've been finished. I feel bad. I do. I'm sorry I didn't update.

But, it was hard to start writing again and I'm really glad that I got my inspiration back.

I've also just turned thirteen! Haha, yes, I wrote this book when I was eleven-years-old and as you can see, it's kinda... Crappy haha.

I wanted to update this on my birthday but I didn't know what to write.

And so here I am and blah blah blah. So enjoy the second part of the book. I do know chapter 11 is short xD I was meant to be a sneak peak but... I changed my mind, haha.

(Sorry about the italics, I'll edit it when I'm on the computer. The app is lagging, I don't know why and I can't change this italic font to the normal font)


Chapter E L E V E N


"Oh my Love, our son, he is not doing well."

"What do you mean he is not doing well?" Came the anxious reply.

"The witches... They said- they said, he didn't have much time left. He's brain-dead, my love. A vampire prince would have survived this but, the curse can't be lifted. I'm worried... Our son might... Die."

"N-n-no. That can't happen. He hasn't been seen by the kingdoms; the other kingdoms. He has not met his other half, he has not done much things. Our son cannot die." She was greatly affected by the news that her husband carried. She cried and cried until her snow-white dress was soaked with her red tears. The King wrapped his arms around his wife to comfort her, but even he, the king, was not sure of what would happen next.

They wanted nothing, but their son to be well again.

In the middle of the Queen's cries, there came a knock on the wooden door. "Come in," The King said weakly.

"Your majesty, The Witch of Groove-Sham has something important for you." Said the Guard, that stood out of the doors.

Before the king could say anything else, a middle-aged brunette came walking in, with great urgency. "Oh, Dear old friend, I've found something that may help."

"What is it?" The Queen asked, without missing a beat.

"This... Might be the only solution." The Witch of Groove-Sham breathed. "To save him... We must put his soul in another body."

A moment of silence came. The King was speechless for a minute but managed to find his voice,"B-but how?"

"We must create a vessel; a vampire vessel."

The Witch of Groove-Sham explained the dangers of creating a vampire vessel. It would have been easier to create a human vessel but, the prince is a vampire, not a human.

To create a vessel, it would take years of chanting spells, making potions and experimenting. They were going to create a body, not a toy. It was not easy but, in 1993, it was done. A fully growing, functioning body. The little toddler was completed

The prince, still brain-dead by 1993 has not aged since and the Queen and the King has not given up hope that curse might have been lifted has he had stopped aging and still looked the same as back in 1912. But he has not woken up, not in eighty-one years.

The King and Queen has lied about the youngest prince that was born in 1993, for all of it to make sense.

On August 17th, the witch had successfully transferred the prince's soul into the vessel.

And on the same night, the werewolves attacked. The witch, in a hurry, combined king Nicholas and Queen Allafey's name on a paper. Quickly wrote it and put it in the basket with the vessel.

She knew that it was a matter of time before the Werewolves would find her, the prince, and the vessel.

She placed the basket, with the vessel in it, in front of a house, far away from the kingdom. And drove her and the prince far away... And disappeared. And on that fateful night, the King and the Queen of the fifth kingdom were murdered.

The people in the Horan Household awoke to sounds of a baby crying in the stormy night. Bobby, Maura and their 4 year old son came to the doorstep only to find a baby in a basket. "Mama..." Greg bends down and takes the piece of paper from the side of the baby, and hands it to Maura.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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