The Answer is in your name

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I'm Xorla, the lady who says things that you'd need a decade to understand. Yeah. That's me. I'm so inflated with questions and in a dire need of answers.

Apparently, people fail to see beyond the façade of my innocent beautiful demeanour and expect me to act or speak accordingly. However, the moment I begin to open my buccal cavity and work my vocal larynx -I mean my mouth- they are thrown aback. Although, I don't come off as rude I try to make sure of that, I come off as tad too strong and challenging for them to handle so much so that, my friends often require much of my silence since they'd dread the moment I speak up in public.

One would ask, why am I that way?

I'd tell them, you really don't wanna go there...

So when the Pastor  decided to have a little tete à tete with me after the bible studies class...

Asking me questions like;
"When did I stop going to church and why?"

"After my parents got divorce and my dad paralyze, I had to defer my course for three years to work double shifts to pay up for his loan debts, mortgage and..." I heaved a heavy shaky breath when I noticed a tear had suddenly dropped from my left cheek

He gave me a tissue to wipe my face

It's been seven long years of suffering and wanting to recover... I don't think I can take it anymore!

I've left out so many details, very touching rough heart-wrenching details. Subjects I don't want to unveil to this bible teacher...because he is just a bible teacher and not my therapist.

Scanning his cooly open presence and masculine features, I'd wager I'll be in his mid-thirties, either un-married or divorce because there's no ring on his fingers. Neatly dressed in plain navy blue tuck-in shirt...

"So you saw that as your battle, to fight your parent's battle?" He chips in

Getting angry at his line of questioning I almost wanted to walk out. What does he mean by that?

"See, I didn't have to see that as MY BATTLE, I was already born into the battle okay!" My tone was quiet loud stirring me up furiously  "it became my battle just because I was born into the family alone and I didn't have a choice!"

It's not like I can automatically choose the battle I want... if that was the case, I wouldn't even wished to have been born in the first place

He wasn't surprised I reacted the way I did because it seems rather natural.

Shaking his head...
"See, that's where you're wrong. You did have a choice -better yet- choices, do you know that if you're born into Christ you become a new creature, old things are passed away and all things become new?" He lectures and I laugh heartily

If this preacher has succeeded in something so far with me, he has just succeeded in spewing out absurdities and creating more questions in my head. Most of which he hasn't even answered yet. First, dying to gain secondly, the Holy Spirit who he claimed to have followed me or directed me here and now me being born as a new creature which will automatically erase all my pasts, struggles and make me new... now let's clap for Jesus.

He didn't find it amusing, maintaining a focused face

There was a long pause of  silence which was very necessary for me...

I have to keep my cool

Afterwards, a realization dawned on me. I was directing my anger to the wrong person that had switched into amusement and the latter  mock-intended, to the very person I needed answers from, so I decided to calm down

Be respectful. Don't be rude.

"Pastor, I am the only child of my parents okay ." I proceed trying to calm down and speak rationally

"I see. You have a lot on your mind, you need a lot of explanations but inasmuch as, I'm tied to give you all the right answers you seek outrightly on my knowledge of biblical scriptures and understanding to the things of God, I don't think that would even be enough for you. You need much more time than just today"

"Obviously." I muttered to his hearing and he gave me a slight nod

My friend Emefa is still waiting for me at the church's cafeteria and it's getting late

"So here's what we will do for today. Here." He gives me his bible "Take this, I will give you the memory verses on what we studied today, go through them and read the whole chapter if need be. Then write down notes on all your questions and reservations based on quotations you read . Write down whatever you think of it then revert to me during our next session. There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, He is with you my dear." He narrated

"And who is that?" I'm curious

"The Holy Spirit " He said

There he goes again. Now he's talking weird.

"Who is this Holy Spirit again" I keep asking but he seems to be eluding my question for some strange reasons.

"I know you're curious but I need you to experience Him for yourself. You will soon get the answer you seek Miss..."

Waiting on my name

"It's Akosua Xorlali" I pronounced

" you really know the meaning of your name Xorlali?" He asks

Honestly I haven't  bothered asking my mom for its meaning

"No" I said

"It means Saviour lives"



I wouldn't like to give much description on my characters' appearances or looks because that way,  my readers can create their own imagery,  in their minds,  on how they'd want the characters to look like.

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