The tameable wind

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After a long wait, SMWP update is finally here.

The story continues...


I have regretted ever coming to Church today and I don't think anything in this world could ever possibly convince me to come to the "Good News Church"... ever again.

All different sorts of emotions was flooding through me...pain, sadness, desolation, rejection, anger, hurt, frailty and the ones I can't put words on

Probably, this lady's intentions for sharing her testimonies could be a good one; to encourage us to serve God well and so on but, it just didn't sit down well with me.

"Are you Okay?" Emefa asks with concern and worry written all over her face

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied trying to mask my expression with a short smile

"Well, i know you and you don't look like it"

"Okay mind reader whatever you say" I try to brush it off

She stands akimbo with her hands on her waist, studying me with such scrunity and I suddenly develop a keen interest in smoothening my well-ironed pleated skirt and checking out my nails

Ignoring my moodiness like the good friend she is, "Hmmm okay. So will you be able to meet with Pastor Elias ?"

This is definitely what I'm trying to avoid. Regardless of the fact that I have written down 130 pages of summary from the scriptures he gave me after our last meeting during the bible teaching, yet at this very moment, I feel really down and lack the motivation to see him

My first time ever stepping foot in this Church on a Sunday and just one session of it has killed my spirit at once. The "testimony session"

After a short moment of silence coupled with my mind wandering around,

"Emefa, don't you think what the lady said was just an overly exaggerated, well-concorted story in a bid to sway the congregation and to make popular? I get it that they want to win souls and would just do anything to achieve that?"

I ask, ignoring her earlier question because my mind is so focused on this very part. This was important to me.

And at this point, I needed her to side with me so I could feel at ease and feed my doubts.

"Which lady?" She asks in confusion

"The one who gave the testimony "

"Oh you mean Zaana "

I nodded I guess that should be the name and she might've known her since she frequents this Church

"Mmm hmm" I insinuate

"I've known her since Sunday school and her dad is one of the deacons here. There's no way she could be lying or else her peers will expose her and her father's hard-earned integrity would be at stake. Besides, she showed evidence on the projected screen, her Yale uni scholarship, SUV car, job breakthrough in the U.S earning her $20,000 minimum wage, travel visas and her 5 bedroom house in the Hamptons...all for the sake of doubting Thomases like yourself, as proof of what God can do in one's life " Emefa's narration was laced with smile and extreme excitement in her voice as though she was the direct recipient of the testimony

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