Chapter Eight

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Louis’ pov:

I'm being woken up by a random sound. I open my eyes and am met with darkness. Confused I look at the time and find that it's only two in the morning. Thank god, I'm exhausted. Harry is still in my arms, sound asleep, but I hear the noise again. I decided to get up and check. The noise led me to Olivia and when I entered her room I found her standing up and leaning against the bed.

“Hey princess, what's wrong?” She looks up at me and relief floods her face and she bursts out in tears. I rush forward and pick her up, “what's wrong? Are you okay? What's wrong?”

“It hurts so bad and I couldnt -couldn't walk and-I'm t-tired, but I c-can't sleep,” she sobbed. I rocked her as she clung to me and tried to decide what to do.

“Why couldn't you walk?” I asked confused.

“Too weak,” she mumbled and sniffled into my neck. At least she wasn't sobbing.

“Okay, well I think I can give you more medicine so how about we go do that and then figure out what to do from there?” She nods so I take her out into the kitchen and get out the medicine. She takes it like a champ and then lays back in my arms. I rub her back and lean against the counter.

“Daddy warms me up milk sometimes,” she tells me. I chuckle and get the milk from the fridge and heat it in the pan over a flame. She points me in the direction of her sippy cup and eventually we are sitting on the couch together. She is laying against my chest, her face in my neck, drinking her milk. She finishes it and gives me the cup.

“Can I put you to bed? I'm happy to stay up with you, but you need your sleep,” I explain.

“Can I come to bed with you and daddy?” I bit my lip, not sure if I should allow it. Her and I laid in bed yesterday and I'm sure Harry lets her in his bed, just like the other night when she had a bad dream.

“Course,” I decide and get up. I bring her into the room and see Harry is still asleep. He rolled over though, and is facing us. I lay her down in the middle of the bed before crawling in. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back and lean over to kiss her forehead. It's very warm. “Wake me up if you need something,” I whisper to her. She agrees before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.


I wake up alone and I'm a little surprised. I look at the clock and see that it's still early, fifteen minutes passed nine. I get up and find Olivia and Harry in the kitchen. They are making pancakes together with the music playing and their dancing around. I reach over and turn the music up, knowing that they had it on low for me. They both turned to me surprised and I saw Harry blush. I smirked and sweeped Olivia into my arms and started dancing around the kitchen.


“So when the night falls, my lonely heart calls. Ohhhh! I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the heat with somebody. Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody, with somebody who loves me!” I sing loudly as I spin Olivia around. She laughs brightly as I place her on the counter and kiss her cheek before kissing Harry’s who is next to us at the stove. I haven't heard this song in years and I'm surprised that Olivia knows the lyrics. Harry has a good taste in music.


“What does she mean when she says she wants to feel the heat with someone?” Olivia asks. Harry squeaks and I start laughing.

“Uh-um she means that-um-”

“You get hot when you dance, like sweaty so she's talking about wanting to be dancing and having so much fun that she's sweaty,” I decide to say.


“Oh,” Olivia pulls a face but nods. “I'm feeling better Lou! Daddy says it's cause you took good care of me last night,” she smiles. I blush and look at Harry.

“You could have woken me,” he tells me.

“I handled it. That's okay right?” I ask and move Olivia onto a stool instead of the counter.

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