Chapter Fourteen

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Harry's POV:

"That's not what I said!" he hissed. I'm on the porch with Louis, Olivia in the room with Zayn. Zayn came by to talk to Louis this morning and now I find myself on the porch fighting with him.

"Yes it is!"

"No," he snapped, "I said I'm going with him to talk about a job opportunity here. I said nothing about the one in Australia you ass."

"I just find it ironic that you apparently have two job offers at one time without actually trying out for either roles," I explained.

"So what? I'm lying? I'm telling you that I'm going to go see the director of the American film when really I'm what? Flying to Australia to meet him instead? I'm just trying to not put my whole life on hold Harry! She's responding to the treatment Harry. We need to get things back to normal," he insisted.

"She has only had one treatment! Just because she responded to this one well doesn't mean the cancer will go away!"

"The three of us have been held up here for the past two and a half weeks, Harry! I need to get back to work! I want to go home! I miss my bed!"

"So go home, Louis!" I yelled. "We don't need you here! Might as well leave now instead of later."

"Oh, fuck you! I hate when you do that. Just because Liam left doesn't mean I'm destined to leave! I'm not him, and I can't stand when you fucking compare me to him." He roared.

"Why do you have to swear at me? Its unnecessary," I mumbled. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry. I just don't like being accused of lying and I really don't like you comparing me to your ex." He explained.

"I'm sorry," I sighed and took a seat on the chair. I laid my face in my hands. "I just feel like I'm holding you back. You have an amazing opportunity overseas, but I'm too selfish to tell you to go. I want you here. I need you, and that scares me. I've been doing this by myself for five years, but I don't want to do it alone anymore. I've gotten a taste of what it's like for her to have two parents and I'm worried that your career will take that away from us." I heard him sigh and he came and sat on the arm of the chair.

"You aren't holding me back. I don't want to take the opportunity over there because you guys are more important, but I can't not work at all. I'm not going anywhere, Harry, not yet. And no matter what happens between you and I; I'm not leaving Olivia. I'll be here for her until she doesn't want me in her life. We've got to get back to the world Haz. I want you to talk to the doctors and ask if we can bring her home now. We can take her here whenever she needs her treatments, but she needs to sleep in a house. In her own space. I have a room that we can turn into hers. I miss having a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom all in different places. I'm sick of this place. Its like a hospital. Its not healthy for us to stay here anymore. We're all miserable here," he points out.

"What if she stops responding to her treatment?" I question.

"We will figure it out if the time comes," he answers simply.

"O-okay. I guess I'll talk to the doctors while you are gone?"

"Please," he agreed and stood up. I stand up too and he grabs my chin, making me look down at him.

"I adore you," he smiled up at me.

"I adore you too," I blush. He slides his hands into the hair at the back of my neck and pulls me down into a kiss.

"No more fighting," he mumbles. I agree and kiss him again before we go back inside. Olivia is on the bed sitting in between Zayn's legs, watching TV. Its obvious that they could hear us fighting because Zayn looks at Louis and gives him a look that asks if everything is okay.

"Ready to go?" Louis asks Zayn. Olivia looks over quickly.

"Where are you going Papa?" she sounds slightly panicked.

"Just with Zayn for a few hours," he explains.

"But you're coming back?" she asks quickly.

"Yup, then hopefully we will all be leaving to go home," he smiles and walks to kiss her goodbye.

"London?" she asks confused as he kisses her head.

"My house," he chuckles. She nods and lays back on the bed now that Zayn is up and waiting by the door. Louis pats her leg before walking back over to me. I lean down and kiss him quickly.

"I'll be back soon," he explains. I nod and kiss him again,


"Bye my love," he smiles. I watch him follow Zayn out before turning to look at my daughter.

"Is everything okay Daddy?" she asks with a frown. I smile and join her on the bed,

"yes. How would you like to have your own room at Papa's house?"

"We're moving in with him!?" she asks excitedly.

"Kind of. We will still have our home in London, but he wants us there when we are here," I explain.

"So we get to leave here?" I nod, "finally!" I chuckle and agree before telling her that I need to go talk to the doctors about leaving. I make her promise to not unlock the door for anyone while I'm gone because both Louis and I have a key, so anyone who knocks doesn't need to be let in.

I have to wait ten minutes before I'm able to talk to Dr. Somers.

"Well there is no real harm to her being home, so if that's what you want then I can get the papers for you to sign to bring her home. We are going to stick with the one dose a week, but instead of waiting two weeks for the next we are going to do it every week, so just make sure she is here on time for those and everything should be smoothy."

"Thank you so much," I smile. She nods and goes to get the discharge papers for me to sign. Another ten minutes later and I'm back in the room, packing everything. Louis wants to leave today, so I'll pack and be ready when he gets back. When he does, Olivia and I had fallen asleep.

"Baby? Babe, wake up," Louis whispered and shook my shoulder lightly.

"How'd it go?" I mumbled with my eyes closed.

"I got the script and I have to read through it, but good. I see you packed."

"Yeah," I yawned, "ready to go home with you."

"Good," he sighed happily and kissed my cheek, "I'm ready to bring you guys home."

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