Chapter Twelve

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Louis' pov: I was sitting next to Olivia watching her color. We were out at the Roadhouse and she was coloring the kids menu they gave her. Harry was across from us. We were waiting on Liam, who is late. Olivia jumped at the suggestion of going out for dinner. She was tired, but more tired of being in the room all day.

"I told him six thirty, where is he?" Harry asks and looks at his watch. It's nearing seven o'clock and I can't help but feel a little annoyed as well. "Sorry I'm late! Important call," Liam explains as he approaches the table. He looks down at the spot next to Harry on his side of the booth, but before he can sit I slid out from my seat and move next to Harry. Liam takes the seat next to Olivia and kisses her head, asking how she is.

"Glad Papa took us out, how are you? You're late," she points out without looking up from her coloring.

"Sophia rang me with some amazing news," Liam explained.

"Sophia, your girlfriend?" I ask. Harry slides his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

"Yeah, she's pregnant," he explains excitedly.

"Congrats," I fill the silence that follows.

"Hopefully you'll do a better job with the second one," Harry hisses. Liam looks away from him and back to Olivia.

"You'll have a sister or brother Liv," Liam smiles. She looks up at him confused.

"No I won't. Daddy had me, I'm daddy's daughter. If Papa and Daddy had a baby then I would have a sibling."

"Oliva, I know you hold a grudge against me for not staying, but that doesn't make me not your dad. By blood, I am your father, more than Louis ever will be," Liam looks at her annoyed. I sit up in the booth ready to go off as Harry does the same, but Olivia beats both of us to it.

"No, Louis is my dad. Not you. You were never around till now. Daddy and Papa are, and that's that. You were never nice to daddy and made me feel unimportant. Louis is and forever will be more of a father then you will be." Its silent after and Olivia just turns back to coloring. She's so fucking bright. Liam gapes at her and then looks at Harry.

"Harry!" Harry bites his lip and looks at Olivia before shrugging. I snort and hide my amused face in Harry's shoulder.

"That's all you have to say to her?" Liam asks incredulous. Harry shrugs,

"she's not wrong for feeling that way and I agree." Liam sighs angrily,

"at least my daughter wouldn't be an ungrateful brat." I immediately stand up,

"do not talk about my daughter like that. She told you the truth and it hurts to hear, but you're the one who made her think like that. Now it's best you leave before I call security over here." Liam rolls his eyes, but leaves without another word. I take my seat again and look at Harry. Olivia thanks me as the waiter comes over to get our orders. Dinner is nice from there and Olivia doesn't seem bothered with what Liam said. After a few minutes I lookup from where I'm studying my food to see Olivia looking at me.

"What is it princess?" Her eyes flick down then she grabs around her neck.

"My necklace! Where is it?" she panics. I look down to her neck and reach up to the tooth around my neck. I didnt even realize hers was missing. "Daddy, where is my necklace!" He looks at me wide eyed.

"I-I don't know Liv, I'm sorry," he says.

"We have to find it! I need it," she starts to tear up.

"Hey Liv, you can have mine, its okay, its fine," I insist. I start to take it off, but she surprises me when she screams.

"No!" It draws attention and I look at her surprised.

"Olivia," Harry gasps, "quiet please. Its a necklace, we will get you a new one."

"No! I need that one! Papa, please. We have to find it," she begs.

"We will, okay? When we get home I'll call the aquarium and then the hospital, and I'll check the car. We will find it. Dessert?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"I just want to go home," she sighs and lays her head on the table. Harry calls the waiter over and we get to-go containers before paying the bill. He puts her in the car and then looks at me.

"You should not promise her something you can not control," he sighs.

"I didn't, if we can't find it then we replace it," I shrug. He sighs again and kisses my forehead before turning to get in the car. I catch his arm and he turns back to me.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Tired 's all," he shrugs. I reach up and tuck some of his hair behind his ear.

"Niall texted, he and Zayn are going to stop by to see Olivia. Why don't we leave and spend some alone time? Or are you too tired?" I tease.

"And do what?"

"Anything. We can just take a walk," I suggest.

"Car sex is always a thing too," he smirks and leans down to kiss me. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. He pats my bottom before pulling away. We get in the car and I enjoy just listening to the music on the way home.

"I think Niall and Zayn beat us," Harry points out Niall's car.

"Uncle Niall's here!?" Olivia cheers and starts running for the room. She beats us seeing as we aren't running, and when we reach the room Olivia is in Niall's arms, happily talking. Zayn grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it.

"Something wrong?" I ask confused.

Harry's POV:

I watch as Niall steps onto the porch with Olivia while Zayn takes Louis into the bathroom. I look outside and Olivia and Niall are looking at the stars. I shouldn't, but... I walk to the bathroom door and lean my ear against it.

"I know it's a bad time, but this is an amazing opportunity," Zayn explains.

"It sounds it, but I can't leave Harry and Olivia, especially now," Louis sighs.

"You'd be gone a few months and they could fly to see you. Think about it Louis, your career is the most important thing," Zayn hisses.

"It was, now its after them. Their more important now," Louis whispers.

"So you want me to turn down the offer?" I wait for Louis to say yes, but silence is all that follows. He's going to choose his career over me? Over my daughter?

"I don't know," he mumbles.

"I need a answer by the end of the week," Zayn finishes. I hear the click of the lock so I quickly hurry onto the bed and fake a phone call. They come out and I give Zayn a small smile as he walks out to the porch. Louis smiles and crawls onto the bed and lays on his stomach, resting his arms and chin on my chest. I say goodbye to my "mom" and lock my phone.

"Hi darling," he smiles.

"Hello handsome, got any secrets to share?" I ask.

"No, I don't keep secrets from you. Zayn got a call. I have a chance to be the star of an Australian movie."

"That sounds incredible," I lie. It does sound incredible, but Australia is far.

"Yeah, but I think it's coming at the wrong time. I'd rather be here with Liv and you," he explains.

"We'd rather have you here too," I admit.

"Come, I believe you mentioned sex, in a car," he smirks and gets up. I quickly follow.

A/N: So two updates because chapter 11 was suppose to be updated last week, but I didnt have time. Any thoughts?????

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