Chapter Ten

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A/N: Guyyyyss hi! Okay so there might be a lot of mistakes in this chapter because Im using my dads tablet to update this because I broke my laptop. I dont know when it will be fixed, but it will be fixed. This is also very short and probably a little rushed but I wanted to update. Im sorry xxxx

Harry's pov:

The doctors relocate us to The City of Hope Hospital in Duarte which is twenty-five minutes away from LA. We spend the day getting a tour of the hospital and the Ronald McDonald house, where we will be staying. Louis is home in LA calling everyone and sorting things out. We agreed to put the movie on hold for a few months. He has also decided to call Niall for me and discuss everything with him. The news about Olivia's cancer is something I will have to let out. I wish I could hide her away, but I know that's not possible. Its dinner time when Louis joins us back in the hospital. We have a family room so it fits us all comfortably. Its almost like a hotel room, one room-two beds. The only problem is all the medicines and IV machines next to Olivia's bed.

"Hi," Louis smiles softly at us. He has bags in his hands and a book bag on his back. He walks over to the bed that Liv and I are sitting on, reading. He kisses me before leaning down to kiss Olivia. "I brought McDonalds. I hope that's okay?"

"Happy meal?!" Olivia asks excitedly.

"Yes, chicken nuggets, apple slices and caramel, fries, and chocolate milk?" he looks at me to make sure it's okay. I nod at him and he smiles relieved before sitting across from us. He hands Olivia her meal before pulling out fries and a burger for each of us. We eat quietly, watching TV. Its been a little more quiet since the news. A blanket of fear and unknown, resting over us. She is to start her treatment tomorrow and they warned us of the effects. She will be tired a lot, he appetite might not be there, and she will most likely lose her hair. She cried at that news since she has long curly hair. I tried to reassure her that it would grow back. Louis tells me that he stopped at my hotel to get clothes for Liv and I. I thank him and want to ask what everyone said, but decide to wait for Olivia to sleep. After dinner she showers and watches TV until she falls asleep around ten thirty. Lou and I decide to take a walk around outside for some fresh air.

"Niall and Zayn said that they would handle the movie and both promise to come visit once everything is sorted. Niall cried. They suggested you going on twitter to tell the news. There are a bunch of rumours around the situation," he explains. Its a breezy night, but its perfect out. I hold his hand tight as we walk. A few other couples are out walking as well. One looks distraught and I can't help but wonder what their story is. Maybe their child is unable to beat the cancer. Another is laughing and smiling. My guess is that their child has beat it and they are heading home soon. The third couple is quiet and look shocked. That's probably how I look.

"I'll go on twitter then," I decide. He nods then steps in front of me and looks up to me.

"How are you doing?"

"Horrible." He wraps his arms around my neck and stands on his tippy toes, hugging me.

"I want to take away your pain Harry. Looking at you like this is horrible. You aren't all there."

"I'm sorry," I mumble. He shakes his head,

"don't apologize. I just want to know how I can help?"

"I don't know," I sighed. He sighed as well and pulled away to kiss me before pulling me to walk again. When we get back to the room I suggest a shower.

"Sure, go ahead," he rubs my arm before trying to walk away from me.

"I meant together," I whisper and catch his arm.

"Oh," he goes wide eyed, "sounds good." He grabs the backpack and brings it into the bathroom with us. We strip quickly and climb in, sliding the door closed. The spray is hot and feels good against my skin. Louis offers to wash me and I easily agree. However, I wasn't expecting to get turned on from the action. He steps closer and kisses my shoulder as he washes my back.

"F-fuck Lou, I need you," I whisper desperately. He grinds into my ass and moans. "Please Lou, just fuck me." So he does. We are forced to stay quiet seeing as my daughter is a room away, but its satisfying anyways. He comes in me and I can feel the cum dripping down my legs and washing away. He turns me around and kisses me soundly.

"I absolutely adore you," he whispers before kissing my neck and chest.

"I absolutely adore you too," I smile and pull him up to kiss him hard. We finish washing and then get out and get dressed. We climb into bed and he wraps himself around me, being the big spoon. I take out my phone and decide its now or never.

"Call your mom first, I doubt she wants to hear about it like everyone else," Louis points out. I agree and call her.

"Harry, hey! Its early here so I assume its important?" I forgot about the time difference. I tell her its important and before I know it we are both sobbing on the phone. We are able to calm down eventually and she asks me about Louis. I tell her about him as he holds me close. After I get off the phone with her I click twitter and make a twitlonger.

Hi guys. I wanted to come on here and clear the rumours and also ask for some privacy. We are going through a hard time right now and I hope you all understand we need some time. Olivia has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. I'm sad to say that the movie will be put on hold for now, but Louis and I decided that was the best for now. Liv will be starting treatment tomorrow and we can hope for the best. I'm sorry if we've disappointed anyone, but this is more important. We love you all and thank you

- all the love Louis, Harry, and Olivia XXX

Louis takes my phone from me after I send it. He kisses my ear and tightens his grip around me. Its a surprise that I manage to fall asleep, even with my mind racing.

A/N: Thoughts???

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