Chapter Five

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Louis' pov:

"Louis!" Olivia yells and runs to me.

"Why hello princess, good morning!" I smile and go down to my knees so I'm at her level. She hugs me quickly and then shows me the bag in her hand. Harry walks up behind her and stands as I place my hands on her hips and laugh as she bounces around.

"Daddy took me to the mall yesterday and I bought you something!" she cheers.

"You did?" I ask surprised and look up at Harry confused. He shrugs and gives me a small smile. I smile back and turn my attention back to his daughter.

"Here!" I take the bag from her and open it, peaking in.

"Oh," I says and pull out the chain.

"Do you like it?" she asks giddy.

"I do, yes. It matches yours," I point out. I look at the necklace hanging from her neck and see the same sharktooth. Hers has a silver top and mine has a gold.

"They are friendship necklaces! We bought a longer chain for yours. Daddy said he wasn't sure if you would wear it, so you don't have to if you don't want to," she explains.

"This is lovely Olivia. I'm never going to take it off," I promise as I drop the bag and lock the necklace around my neck. She cheers happily which makes me smile and lean to kiss her cheek.

"Boys, we need you to start getting ready!" Maria calls out.

"How about you go find Uncle Niall, Liv?" Harry cuts in. She nods and runs off to go find him. I stand up and look at Harry with raised eyebrows.

"What?" he shrugs innocently and turns to walk off.

"You allowed your daughter to pick out similar necklaces and used your own money to buy them for her and I?"

"I guess so," he nods and sits in the chair so Lou can do his hair and makeup.

"Why? You don't even have something like that with her, do you?"

"She has my blood and calls me daddy, I don't need a necklace to connect us," he points out.

"Fair, but why? You don't care?" I asked and crossed my arms, looking at him through the mirror.

"She's already attached," he shrugs, "all I can do is hope you don't break her heart." I drop my hands and look at him softly,

"I would never. That's not what I want to do in any way."

"Good, then we are fine. She asked if she could buy you something if she saw something she liked and I told her yes. She saw the friendship necklaces in Claire's and asked if she could get one for the two of you. I figured I would take her to an actual jewelry store instead, so the thing was at least something you would look good wearing. She had her eyes set on a cookie and milk pendent, it was horrid."

"So it's real?" I asked and picked the necklace off my chest to look at it. He shrugs again and nods at what Lou says to him. "Well thank you Harry, I appreciate it." He shrugs it off again and we look at each other for a minute in the mirror before I turn to leave.

"Um where is my kiss on the cheek?" he says cheekily. I don't think he expects me to actually walk back to him and kiss his cheek, but I do.

"Thank you," I whisper into his ear as I pull away. I can see him flush and look at me surprised, but I just turn away to find my makeup artist.


"You're in love!"

"I am not in love!" I snap, "I'm just beyond flattered."

"I just can't believe he let her get them," Zayn shakes his head and looks at my necklace that he is holding off my chest.

"Me either, do you think- like that it means something?"

"What do you mean?" he asks and looks up to me, dropping the tooth.

"I don't know," I shrug and plop down onto his couch, "to Harry."

"You mean as if it's a gift from Harry and not just his daughter?" I nod and look down at the pendent. It's gold top holds the tooth, and it's just-beautiful. "Do you want it to be?" Zayn asks as he takes the seat next to me. I shrug again,

"I don't know."

"Can we get past the part of you denying that you possibly like him, so we can talk about it?"

"I don't possibly like him."


"I do like him," I pout. Zayn smiles brightly and throws his arms around my shoulders.

"I'm so proud of you Louis! What changed your mind?"

"Well besides the fact that he is beautiful and British? He has a naturally kind heart, but that doesn't stop him from standing up for himself. He is cheeky and funny and those dimples compliment his smile perfectly. Plus he is definitely the best kisser I've ever kissed," I ramble.

"Better than our drunken kiss?" Zayn pouts, mock offended.

"Never bring that up in front of Harry, please," I whine.

"Oh hush, I'm sure him and Niall have kissed too," Zayn laughed.

"What!?" I groan and Zayn laughs harder.

"One kiss and you're already head over heels!"

"I'm not," I pout.

"You are and I love it, I haven't seen this side of you in years Louis! This is great! You are finally going to settle down."

"Woah, Zayn, slow down. You forgot the fact that Olivia is in the picture, I'm no where close to settling down," I shook my head vigorously.

"Olivia loves you mate! She will adore you, why are you so scared?" he sighs.

"Harry is already worrying about me hurting her, he is probably going to pull the whole "if we try then it affects more than myself. I can't put Olivia through it again" that's what I'm saying," I explained.

"Or maybe he likes you too and is hopeing you will grow up and take care of them," Zayn points out.

"Why do I have to take care of them?"

"Because he is definitely the girl in the relationship, plus he had to grow up fast, you would teach him to relax and take some pressure off him."

"So I should ask him out?"

"Yes, absolutely!" Zayn squeals.

"Even if it's only been a week and a half and he hated me for most of it?"

"Yes Lou, just see what he says," Zayn tells me.

"He is going to laugh in my face and then slap me," I pout.

"I doubt that mate," Zayn laughs brightly.


Harry's pov:

I'm laying next to Louis in the grass, looking up at the stars.

"Do you know how cliche this is?" I ask him with a smile on my face.

"I do, yes. I also figured our meeting was cliche so I was continuing with the pattern," he explains.

"Our meeting was cliche? Us in a bar, drunk and dirty dancing? C'mon, it's a proper love story," I joke and elbow his side. He laughs lightly,

"and you're leaving me at the end of the summer, so I wanted to make our dates cliche, sue me." My smile faltered a bit,

"have you ever had a long distance relationship?"

"No," he shook his head and turned his head to look at me, "have you?"

"Nah," I shook my head and looked at him out of the corner of my eyes.

"Are you willing to? You know, if we-I don't know-work?" he asks and props himself onto his elbow to look at me. I turn my attention on him fully and meet his iris blues.

"Of course Jamison," I nod. He smiles and nods back before leaning down to kiss my cheek and then lay back down in the cold grass. I wrap my arm under him and pull him into me.

"Excellent! Cuttt!" our director calls. Louis and I burst out in laughter and he sits up in my arms to look at me.

"Will you go out with me?"

"What?" I ask confused and finally drop my hand from his arm. I have to look up at him from where I'm still laying down.

"A date, will you accompany me on a date?" he explains. I'm stupid enough to look around me even though he is definitely talking to me.

"Me?" I squeak out.

"A simple no would do, you don't have to act stupid," he mumbles and goes to get up.

"No!" I say frantically and grab his arm to keep him in place. He looks at me with his eyebrows raised. "I was just surprised, I -I'd love too Lou, honest," I smile up at him.

"Yeah?" he smiles happily and I nod, "good. Great! Tomorrow night then?"

"Yeah sure," I agree, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling too much.

"Okay, dress warm, and I'll see you then. I'll text you," he explains and gets up. I stay laying in the fake grass with a dumb smile on my face.

"Hi Daddy!" Olivia laughs brightly as she looks down at me. I look up at her surprised.

"Livia," I say back in realization. My daughter.

A/N: It's short and its been a while sorry!! Any feedback? How do you feel about Louis already asking Harry out?

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