Chapter Six

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A/N: there is a tiny bit of smut in this chapter if you squint😮 Enjoy xx

Harry's pov:
"No Niall, I just wasn't thinking," I complain. My phone is in between my shoulder and my ear while I'm sitting on my laptop in the hotel. The clock reads three in the morning meaning Olivia is fast asleep; exactly where I should be.

"You are over thinking everything. It's tree in the morning mate, get some sleep," Niall yawns and I catch it.

"I can't! I have to call this date off. I didn't even think about how this could affect Olivia! Jesus, I should have said no!"

"No you shouldn't have! Haz, honestly! This is good for you!"

"No it's not because you know how attached I get and it's going to happen and we live a billion miles away and I can't ask him to move to London can I? Should I ask him? What if he wants to me to move here? Ni, England is home! I love the states but I'd miss home and I can't just pack Olivia up and move across the world! I was being selfish! I was-"

"You are rambling and I can't deal with it at this time. Haz, he asked for one date. I'll watch Olivia at your hotel while you go out and see if you enjoy his company. That's all the first date is about. If you like him then you can have more and maybe it will lead to having to figure out a home for the three of you, but why worry about that now? So you will be going on that date and you will enjoy yourself and you will have a second. Can I go to bed now?" he begs. I sigh,

"you're right. Okay, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks Niall, night."

"Goodnight Haz, no problem mate!" he cheered and hung up. I dropped my phone from my shoulder and looked at my laptop fully. I was on twitter, scrolling through my feed. I would retweet some fans posts and favorite or follow others.

"Daddy?" I turned surprised and looked at my daughter who has tears streaming down her face and is rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Baby, hey, what's wrong?" I question worriedly and shut my laptop, getting up. I sweep her off her feet and hold her to my chest. "What's wrong Olivia, shhhh," I shush her as she tightens her grip on my shirt. I rock her softly in my arms, waiting for her to stop crying. "Did you have a bad dream?"

"Yea-" she whimpers.

"Ooh baby, you're okay. Shh darling, I got you," I promise and rock her more as I walk into the kitchen. I keep her in my arms as I use one hand to get some milk from the fridge and put it in a pot to heat it up. I shift side to side while standing in front of the stove, waiting for the milk to heat up. Olivia isn't crying anymore, but she's still sniffling and obviously scared. I heat the milk for only a minute, not wanting it to be too hot to drink. I pull it off the stove and turn off the flame before going to a bag my mum sent with her and pulling her sippy cup from it.

Yes she is too old for one, but I use them when I am giving her a drink to go to bed with, that way it doesn't spill. I pour the milk into the cup over the sink and put the top on before holding it to her arm.

"Want some warm milk?" I question.

"Yes," she mumbles and pulls her face from my neck to grab the cup from me. She lays back against me and starts drinking. I bounce her a little as I go into the room and grab her baby blanket from her bed. She still sleeps with it. I sit on my bed carefully and lay her down before laying down next to her. She stays on her back but I turn on my side and run my hand through her curls watching her drink.

"I remember when you were a baby, you hated sleeping alone. You would cry for hours if I put you in your nursery. It was horrid," I explained with a smile.

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