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"Your VP?" you said confused as Tubbo and Tommy could only share a prideful smile.

"Oh yes, we're quite young but our older brother passed on the presidency to Tommy, then to me-" Tubbo said as he continued on with the rest if the story (y'all know how it goes). Both you and Nick quite invested in the story, but as one of Nick's specialties he had to cut him off. "...and then we had to rebui-"

"Wait wait wait so... how old are you two?" Nick said as Y/n could only give him a cold glare for cutting off the president for Notch's sake.

"Oh right! I suppose I had forgotten that bit eh. I'm 17 and Tommy here is 16!" Tubbo said with a wide grin plastered on his face as Tommy gave a trying smile before he yawned. However Nick and Y/n couldn't even find the right words to say, as the beanie man walked up to the group.

"Well I think we should get going now. We have a big day tommorow! Nick and Y/n ill show you the way to your living quarters." The man with the beanie said still clasping tightly onto the clipboard, as you and Nick followed him to the entrance of the building.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH ALEX!!" Tubbo hollered as he followed Tommy to a new group of new comers.

He soon showed you two to where you guys would be staying. Almost like a military style type of living, there were two rows of beds. One on each wall, all perfectly spaced apart. There were a few that had people sitting on it with their small suitcases. While both you and Nick had just brought a small drawstring like bag, with about three pairs of clothes, some pictures of you, Nick, and dad, and also some other toiletries as the rest of your armor was already on you.

"Thanks- um Alex was it?" You said as he guided you and Nick to your beds.

"Oh.. Yes! Sorry I just got so caught up in everything I forgot to introduce myself. Its Alex. My office is the first one after the bathrooms. Feel free to drop in anytime if you have questions." He said as he rocked back and forth on his heels. To you he seemed nervous not about meeting or talking to you, but about something else. All in all you noticed that he seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

"Ohhh man we're going to have a great nights rest." Nick said with a sarcastic tone as you saw him squirming around in the bed to get comfortable.

After you and Nick got your things together, there were more and more people that were starting to fill up the room. There were some that came in pairs or there were even a few groups. But many were alone, and young. You could read their faces that had sadness and loneliness written all over it.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE DINNER IS GETTING SERVED IN THE CAFETERIA DOWN THE HALL! BEETROOT STEW, BAKED POTATOES, AND BREAD!" Alex yelled out enthusiastically as everyone let out their oohs and ahhs and soon started filing out of the sleeping quarters.

The dinner was enjoyable as you said a small thank you to Alex and the other woman in the room. She was very beautiful with what seemed to be pink hair, a very sweet and soft-spoken person is what you picked up from her.

After taking a quick shower in the shared bathroom with what seemed to be not as many other women, you went back to the sleeping quarters as Alex came back as everyone soon started to file into their beds.

"Remember everyone we need to get up as early as 5 a.m tommorow ok? So try your best to fall asleep and if you can't just come to my office for some melatonin." He said before turning swiftly on his heel and turning off most of the lights, except for the ones in the hallway and some of the candles that burned off of the wall.

"Goodnight Nick. We're gonna kick some ass tommorow." You said with a yawn before turning on your side as your eyelids started to get heavy.

"Indeed we are. Goodnight." Nick said with a small chuckle.

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