Yandere Tsukishima (smut)

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Requested by: Tsukishimawifeyz
Kei pov

I'm definitely gonna go and get her on my arms and when shes with me I'll fucked her till day and night she's just so precious for me i wanna keep her to myself- i was cut off my thoughts when y/n walk to me and started talking "hey kei did you know that someone put a letter inside my locker!!!" She said excited my blood boiled when i heard this i don't know who put that damn letter but if i know I'll kill them myself!! " Oh really? Can i see the letter?" I asked "Ohhhh~~ is kei getting jealous~~~" she said teasingly "i just wanna make sure who fall in loved with a pipsqueak like you" i said keeping my monotone voice "how mean~~, but sure here" she said handing me the letter, it was pink and filled with men perfume on it instinctively back away my nose through it and opened it

Dear Y/n

Hi my names jason talaki and i like you since the beginning of the first year and i really wanna take you on with me on a date if you want to come with me and go out can you come out after school and meet me on the cherry blossom tree

                                Love jason 💙

After i read that letter my blood begin to boil really bad that i almost threw the letter into a trash can but i kept my composture "Did you already read this?" I asked her "No haven't i just want you to know first caused your my best friend" she said smiling beautifully "I'm gonna give you this tommorow I'm just gonna investigate if they're fooling you or not" i said sternly "okie that's nice" she said "no problem now go to your chair" i said

After classes~~

I waited outside on the cherry blossoms and me having a knife behind my back i see him walking towards this direction so i pretended not to noticed him "hey bro did you see a beautiful and cute girl here waitng? " He asked with his disgusting voice "oh you mean Y/n? She went home already and declined she said to me to give this to you" i said making up lies "oh okay, are you her friend?" He asked confused "yeah her Best friend" i said "i just wanna say that if you make a move on her I'll kill you so back off" he said sternly "oh really? Because i swear she said to me that you don't have chance so maybe LETS make that happen" i said threatening i grabbed my right hand behind my back and stabbed him straight into his chest, after i cleaned him up so no evidence can see i put him inside the freezer and left


I'm laying in my bed scrolling to Uwubook when i noticed that Y/n was calling me so i answered it

On call ....
(T-tsukki Y- Y/n)

T- what do want?
Y- hey can i come over i wanna say something really important
T- okay
Y- be there at 5

Hang ups

After a while Y/n got here we sat down on my bed and she spoked first "i wanna say something really crazy" she said nervous "your speaking now nothing new" i said back "no this is serious Tsukishima" she said sternly
She never called me that unless she's mad mad or it's serious "okay.." i said nervous" " I........" She started

Like....... Ahhhhh no

I love you...... She said

When i heard what she said i was just staring at her or if it was just a dream so i pinched myself it was a dream but no it hurt so it was real i couldn't take it anymore so i slammed my lips on her "I...... Lo-love you too" i said flustered and looking away she gripped my head and turned me around and kissed me on my lips me kissing back i pushed her on my bed and started striping her i put my right hand on her shirt and pulled it up and
After her shirt being off i lifted my left hand and started kneading her nipple through the bra she's wearing she was moaning beautifully so i put my right hand to the clipped of her bra and take them of her when i lifted her bra it jingled a little bit i Put my mouth through it and started sucking and biting i hear her pants getting faster so i worked my hands below her buttom and taken of the button there i take of her pants and panties and i lifted my right fingers and pushed it inside her and started pumping she was so hot that I couldn't take it anymore i take my clothes off and boxers i placed my dick on her entrance "Are you sure you want this?" I asked patiently she catch her breath and said "yeah I'm ready" she said (Consent is hot for me 😏)
I slowly pushed in and it went smoothly so i started getting a little faster because she was so tight she really is a virgin i lifted both my arms and gripped her tights and slammed into her hard and a loud slap you would definitely hear i just keep going and going until i feel the tightness of her squeezing me inside her i feel my limit going and then i pulled out of her and cummed on her stomach i can see her twitching a bit because of the organism that she did

After cleaning they're cuddling here

"So wanna be my girlfriend?" I asked
"Why would you even asked that we just fucked! Of course I'm gonna be your girlfriend" she said
"Oh okay I'm relieved, now lets sleep i know your exhausted" i said worried and sleepy
"Yeah i am goodnight" she said and slept
"Goodnight my Pipsqueak" i said and follow the darkness om my eyes

Hey guys hope you like this chapter and this was requested and if you like this chapter just make sure you hit that vote button and follow me bye guys stay safe

Tsukishima Kei x reader Smut  (Oneshot) *Requests Are Closed* Where stories live. Discover now