Mafia tsukishima part 2

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Boss the girl you've been waiting for is going to be working with us this is her file (just imagine your own file any type)  "hmmm she really does looked gorgeous and I'm falling in love all over again"  boss she will be starting tommorow. "make sure she feels welcome here i don't want a gorgeous creature getting away" 


I heard the alarm clock ringing i slammed my hand to it to make it stop, I wake up to see kei's hand on my waist holding me tight i remembered that i have a job interview this morning  so i have to get up i slowly take off kei's hand and got of the bed my back still hurts but i think i can managed and i noticed something different from Kei he's been acting strange like his hiding something from me oh god pls tell me he's not cheating on me, calm down self he wouldn't do that!!! Would he? Ahhhhh my head hurts with all this bullsh*t (i apologized of such a vulgar word I'm using)  i got rid of my suspiciousness and get ready for my interview

I heard the alarm clock ringing i slammed my hand to it to make it stop, I wake up to see kei's hand on my waist holding me tight i remembered that i have a job interview this morning  so i have to get up i slowly take off kei's hand and got of th...

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(Just imagine you wearing a black skirt)  after i got ready i went to the kitchen and make kei his breakfast and place it inside the microwave to heat it up later i put a letter for him so he knows where i am
The letter :
Hi kei honey i know your a wake now but i have a interview today im sorry if i couldn't join you for breakfast but don't worry I'll come back once im done at my interview i love you
Ps: the food is in the microwave 😘
I got up and grab my bag with my envelope and things

Time skip brought to you by your author Chan's lazy ass~~

Once I'm going inside a hole of butlers came right infront of me let out a red carpet what the is what i thought i look behind me of who is entering the red carpet looks like i was the one so i came close to my new boss's door i knock and when i heard the come in i walk inside "um good morning boss" i said nervous "you don't have to be nervous dear just sit and feel comfortable lets have tea" my boss said after a couple of minutes my boss gave me the tea "thank you boss" i said i sip on my tea and it taste a little suspicious after that i blacked out

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Silly girl drinking the tea a gave her hahaha you foolish girl but Don't worry my dear you just have to wait a little more so i could tell you the truth about you little boyfriend "Ayato Sakamaki now i know what you've been doing this entire time" Tsukishima said a little angry that i touched his girl "how did you get pass my security" asking and a little shocked "oh you will know soon and I'll get back and get my girl away from you" he said with dark voice i shivered a little

Hey guys sorry this is only the part but dont worry guys I'm gonna make it interesting in part 3 they'll fight so if you like my story make sure to hit the vote button the fist and follow me bye guys love you 😘

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