Drunk Tsukishima (Smut)

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I'm worried kei hasn't come home yet it's like 11:20 now and he still hasn't come home a few minutes of me stressing i heard the doorbell go off i answered it "who is it?" I said a little anxious "its me tadashi i brought tsuki home he's actually drunk" tadashi said as i opened the door i see kei in his shoulders slump and looking red "oh dear pls come in you can just drop him in our bedroom" i said worried if kei is putting so much weight on tadashi "sure no problem" he said a little struggling on kei because he looks like a slump rag, tadashi put kei in bed "I'm so sorry about kei even if you dont mention it i know that your exhausted too" i said worried for my husbands best friend "no really it's alright,i should go i think hitoka will get worried" he said "um if may i ask ah what exactly happened to kei he seemed very drunk and i know that he doesn't drink that much?" I said wondering "oh yeah actually tsuki is actually stressing out about something i don't know too but i know  him he will tell you just give him some time" he said explaining"oh ok thanks tadashi again and be careful" i said "yeah and your welcome" he said waving his hands and shutting the door after tadashi left i walk to the kitchen and get some water then i went to our bed i wake up kei and give him a water so he could sober up a little he looked at me "what?" I said "you look beautiful my lovely wife"kei said huskily with his usual smirk "umm kei are you alright do you want another water? Are you sober up now? Are you tired?" I said because he's acting strange "mo there's nothing wrong i just want to fuck you Right now" he said seductively and he started kissing me with lust and passion he then started getting out of our clothes he then started going to my neck to my big breasts ( im sorry if your flat chested or your breasts are not that big sorry) and started sucking on them he suck and lick my nipples and then he took of hes mouth from my nipples then put he's finger between my heated pussy and started tracing to my clit then inserted it in side my hole and started pumping very hard and fast after I'm comfortable in his finger he inserted the second one and started pumping fast and after the second one he then started putting his third and started pumping then i felt the familiar knot then i orgasmed after the high and heated self i am kei didn't waste anytime and slammed his long and big cock inside me hard and fast then he started getting a little rough he started kissing me again and sucking my neck so that he could tell everyone that I'm his and biting then i feel him twitch inside me and then i feel the familiar knot then we both orgasmed and then he fell on top of me exhausted he layed beside me "I'm sorry if im a little to rough on you I'm just so stressed out lately" he said worry lacing his voice "it's alright may i ask what are you stressing for?" I said wondering "its just i wanted a baby and i don't know if you want one" he said hesitating at first "oh my dear kei~~ you should have just ask i could always agree" i said relieving him "ok now lets sleep I'll just take you out tomorrow" he said exhausted now "ok goodnight my sweet little salty" i said then feeling the light out of me then i fell asleep

Hi guys its me your AUTHOR CHAN so im still waiting for your requests and im making a book of Ushijima Wakatoshi being  your husband i can always make it smut just ask and I'll do my best love you guys
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Tsukishima Kei x reader Smut  (Oneshot) *Requests Are Closed* Where stories live. Discover now