Cats and Dogs

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Kuroo had been waiting near where they arrived, watching the drama unfold in front of him with Hinata sat next to him. He listened to Bokuto yelling at Oikawa, then giving up, and walking back over to Kuroo. 

"Why are you over here?"

"Figured it's safer to let things die down before we introduce a werewolf to the mix."

"Fair enough, want to come meet the others?" 

Hinata and Kuroo got up and walked over to the group. Kageyama huffed and moved as far away from Hinata as possible, muttering under his breath. 

"Akaashi, Kenma, Kageyama, this is Kuroo, a mostly harmless werewolf, apart from at full moon. Actually thinking about it, how often is it full moon here?" 

"Depends on which of the two moons you mean. It changes a lot, I always know a few days before anyway, so I'll warn you."

Bokuto looked towards the sky then, realising for the first time there were two moons in the sky, he wasn't surprised he'd not noticed, he had barely been outside in the last 10 days. 

"Nice to meet you Kuroo." Said Akaashi. 

Kuroo grinned at the dark haired boy and let out his Hyena laugh. He turned to the boy next to Akaashi and froze. Kuroo's whole body started shaking.

"Kuroo?" Bokuto called. No response. "KUROO?"

Kuroo leapt forward suddenly, straight at Kenma, pouncing on top of him and pinning him to the floor. 

"Kuroo, what are you doing?" Bokuto yelled.

"He's... imprinting.. I think" Akaashi said in a quiet voice.

"What?" Bokuto asked.

"Werewolves imprint when they smell the scent of the werewolf they are meant to be with."

"But Kenma is human?"

"Yeah well, I've never heard of that before, but it sure looks like imprinting to me."

Kenma spoke quietly for the first time. "Kuroo?"

Kuroo pulled back then, scrambling up and shook his head. 

"Huh? What happened?" He said.

"You imprinted on Kenma." Akaashi said simply. 

"I can't have, he's not a werewolf." Kuroo replied.

"Yes well, it seems your limited brain didn't notice that much." Akaashi just shrugged and turned his head away, closing his eyes. 

Kuroo got up and stalked off. Kenma looked up at a bewildered looking Bokuto, watching him walk away to where Kageyama slept, and lay down. Kenma looked over to where Kuroo had thrown himself down on the floor, his back to everyone. Kenma pushed himself up and walked over to Kuroo. He stepped over the wolf and curled up in a small ball in front of him. Kuroo shifted himself to wrap around Kenma. Bokuto watched them, the wolf guarding a tiny kitten. Bokuto smiled and drifted off to sleep. 


The next morning Bokuto woke to find most of their camp of strange creatures awake or missing. Oikawa was sat next to the chained and miserable looking vampire, Kenma, Kuroo, Akaashi and Hinata were no where to be seen. Kageyama was lying on the floor staring up at the sky. 

"Where is everyone?" 

Kageyama pulled himself up and looked around. 

"Kenma and Kuroo said they were going to go try and find a way out of this place. I have no idea where Akaashi went, and as for that little demon, hopefully he's off getting lost and never returns."

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