Burns and Bruises

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Suga doesn't think he will ever forget the last few moments of time, for as long as he lives. He watches in horror as the flames surround Kageyama. Hinata crumples in front of the flames, tears streaming down his face. 

Suga watches like the entire world has frozen around them and time is barely moving, seeing Akaashi fall, Bokuto pass out and fall from his arms, and Kageyama burn. He struggles to breathe. Then the entire world disappears in a blinding light. Suga closes his eyes against the light, he has no idea what is happening, all he can do is cling tightly to the wound on Bokuto's arm, and just hope that he stays alive.


It's strange how, sometimes the mind can drag up memories long forgotten, right at the point they are useful. Suga remembers reading a story once. It was more of a fairy tale really. He remembers his mother reading it to him as a kid. It was called Angels and Demons. It was meant to be the history of how his kind and demons came to be. 

In the story, it was said that Demons were once Angels. Once upon a time, a few Angels started to do unforgivable things, and they were stripped of their wings. In the story, the Demons were told that they could regrow their wings if they committed acts of kindness and love. Suga loved that story as a boy, he loved the idea of the Demons being able to redeem themselves. 

The story was passed down, generation after generation. New demons were born from their parents in the early days, and some tried hard to get the redemption to get wings. As time went on, less and less demons achieved it, the story lost it's meaning, it became a legend, demons stopped trying. Now it's just little more than a myth, a story told to children.

As he grew older, Suga researched more into the only counts of Demons becoming Angels that happened, and established one thing. In order for a Demon to become an Angel, an Angel has to die.

Yes Suga had loved that story as a child. It filled him with so much hope. Then Suga grew up, life got in the way of the child and his hope filled heart. He watched too many people he loved die to get swept into the fantasy of child stories anymore. He no longer believed in redemption or hope.


The light began to fade, Suga's eyes flutter open, and he takes in the world in stunned disbelief. Brown wings are spread in front of him, framing the dark haired ex-demon holding Akaashi's unconscious body. Suga's jaw drops. He believes. He stares into the deep brown eyes of the Earth Angel standing before him in replacement of the demon he once was. He smiles, and the angel smiles back. Suga feels his heart skip a beat, before the rest of the reality around him snaps him back.

He feels Bokuto's weak pulse, sighing in relief that he's still alive. Movement behind him makes him turn, he sees Kindaichi walking back over, with Kunimi and another blond vampire he's not seen before. The three vampires pause at the edge of the circle, before Kindaichi hurries forward to Bokuto, using his saliva to stem the bleeding. 

Hinata is bent over Kageyama, tears falling thick and fast, he starts, and jumps back as Kageyama moves. Kageyama slowly pushes himself up off the ground, his hand going over his back, feeling where his wings are missing, He sighs, then leaps forward and wraps his arms around Hinata. 

"But.. your wings..." Hinata said through sobs. 

"I'd give my wings to save you any day." Kageyama replied, tears spilling out of his eyes. 

"We need to get back to camp, we have to get blood into Akaashi or he's going to die. We need clean up Bokuto. The bleeding has stopped thanks to Kindaichi, but he could still get an infection." Suga called to the group. 

Suga pulled Bokuto up into his arms, watching the earth angel do the same with Akaashi. Hinata helped Kageyama to his feet as well. 

"I'm sorry for what I did, I wish I had a way to cure him, but human blood is the only answer." Kindaichi said to Suga.

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