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This morning, it was the same as any other day, getting Gabriella up for school and headed to work, I stopped by my favorite coffee shop after dropping her off to grab the team coffee and croissants.

When I'm working, I take my outfits and fashion expression very seriously. Today I wore a black and white plaid dress and paired it with black heels. I left my hair down loose in its blowdried glory and paired it with simple and classic makeup and a blush toned lip. Needless to say, I use my clothes to bring me confidence, and I like looking good in the office.

Since last night, I've been pondering the idea back and forth on whether or not I should ask him on a date. Is it too forward? We've been flirting for three years, what if it's not the same if we're in a relationship? But on the other hand, what if it is the same if we're in a relationship with a few added benefits...if you know what I mean.

In the dating scene, you say you have a kid and you're a single parent, no one wants to hear the whole story they just assume you're a whore who lost it to a loser. Yet, I lost two of my best friends and no one wants to hear about it. Aaron, he gets it. After Haley died was when we became close friends, he was grieving and that's all we were. Friends. He needed someone who had been through this before, and I was able to support him through that. It was a difficult year, and that's why we're closer to each other in comparison to his relationships with everyone else on the team, besides Dave. That bromance is forever.

I'd like to think that he'd be up for it, but honestly, I'm terrified if he's not.

I make my way up to the 6th floor and knock on Penelope's door, "I come bearing gifts" I say as I walk in

"What good is in this? It's a croissant and it's still warm!," she smiles at me, "Oh, you love me and I love you!" she shouts as I laugh at her

"I love you to the moon and to Saturn my dear"

"I... I know I flirt with Derek, but that's like animal blood in the nostrils kind of thing. What we have is a pure transcendent, blueberry filled..."

Suddenly a knock on the door alarmed both of us.

"We have a case" says JJ, looking at us like it's one we're going to have to brace for.


JJ started presenting the case once we all arrived at the round table, "It looks like someone is taking the term "Motor City" too literally. In the last month, Detroit P. D. has found two different crime scenes in the trunks of two different cars.

"Married couples in each trunk?" Emily asks

"Yeah. Brian and Melissa Cain in car number one, Paul and Elizabeth Garrett in car number two. Elizabeth was found alive by a couple of kids, but by the time the paramedics got there, she had lost too much blood." JJ added

"Well, it takes a lot of skill to force a couple into their own car, even with a gun. But once he does, it's one-stop shopping for this guy. His car become an abduction vehicle and a dumping site. According to missing persons reports, he holds on to them for about a week. Do you know what he does with them during that time?" Rossi questions

"Yes, unfortunately we do, and that information is on your tablets in picture form. And if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to my happy place." Garcia adds on, having sent the photos to our tablets before leaving the room.

"Ah. Wow, this guy sure likes to cut, doesn't he? Mostly shallow. They could almost be considered hesitation marks, except for the sheer number. M. E. puts the count at nearly 50 per victim, and the cause of death is one final stab that's fatal. Physical and psychological sadism. They never know if the next cut is the one that will kill them. And the amount of urban decay in Detroit gives him a lot of room to maneuver. We need to stop him before he takes another couple." I say looking at the rest of the team.

Sunday Morning// Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now