Stiles <3 :)

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The last day of winter break was now over and I had finished my project in the knick of time. I felt bad for ignoring Stiles so much. But I just couldn't bring myself to the thinking about how I could've done this. How?

Kira met me at the steps of Beacon Hills High. She pulled me into a huge hug. "Where's your boy toy?!" She shook my shoulders. I shrugged and started walking past her. "Lydia? Where is he?" She pulled my shoulder back.

"Ummm. I'm not sure."

"I thought you two were going to carpool every day." Oh crap. Stiles is probably waiting at me house as we speak. He's gonna be late. I look at my phone.

30 messages from Stiles <3 :)

Oops. I look at the last one.

-are you coming out of your house soon? Is something wrong? I'm gonna be late. I love you.-

Woah. I love you.

"Hello?!" Kira waved her hand in front of my face. The bell rang and I scurried into class, saying goodbye to Kira. English. Yay.

"Did you all get your projects done? That was a rhetorical question. You're going to present them in front of the class. Oh, and by the way. Stilinski's joining our class this semester. And he's starting off late. Hooray." He scribbles something down on a paper. "First is Greenberg."

Greenberg's project was the most boring thing I had ever watched in my life. Worse than Star Wars. 20 minutes after class started, Stiles runs in. "Woot woot. Stilinski's graced us with his presence." He looks tired and out of breath. Our eyes catch each others and his show traces of hurt. "Sit." He finds his seat and Greenberg finishes his project. "Ms. Martin is up next." I sigh and stand at the front of the classroom.

I tear my 4 page essay apart and throw it in the trash can. "I'm gonna speak from my heart."

"Ms. Martin-"

"Alright. I had a hard time deciding who I was going to do my project on. Since there's so many people I love. Allison Argent stood out to me a lot. I wrote a 10 page essay on what I loved about her and how much I missed her. And I said screw this. I'm writing about why I love someone. Stiles Stilinski." Everyone's eyes turn to him and a small smile grows on his face. "Why do I love Stiles Stilinski? Why does he inspire me? Well, you guys probably don't understand how, but we have been through a lot together. Especially involving creepy animals hiding in teenage boy bodies. Yes. That's all true. But Stiles, you are the bravest person I have ever friggin met. And I'm sorry for ignoring your texts and slapping you. But--I love you too. And nobody could EVER be as courageous, caring, funny, smart, sarcastic--as you are. And that's why--I'm breaking up with you."

A gasp fills the room. "I don't deserve you. I'm a terrible person. A REALLY terrible person. And I don't want to hurt your feelings. I hate myself. You don't deserve to be dragged down with me. Go achieve your goals without me. Please don't ask wh-" I get choked up on my words. "I'm sorry. I need a moment."

I run out of the room and into the bathroom.

And break down crying.

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