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Shiro pounded on Lance's door, waking Lance from his hour-long nap. 

"Get up, Lance! We need to leave the castle in 30 minutes!" Shiro called in. 

"Alright, alright, I'm up!" Lance shouted, grunting as he sat up and started about his day. He smiled brightly at himself in the mirror, perfecting his lively attitude since he barely got any sleep last night. Luckily, he didn't get eyebags easily, so he looked fine. 

He found the others in the Bridge, all talking idly and putting on their armor. 

"There you are, Lance! What the hell took you so long?" Pidge asked once she caught sight of him. 

"Hey, you can't perfect beauty!" Lance called out, though, he didn't feel very beautiful at the moment. 

"Lance, now is not the time for joking. The Urako people are very serious and won't appreciate slackers," Allura scowled. While the insult didn't affect Lance, her claim of the Urako people amused him. He knew for a fact that they appreciated jokes, and he knew exactly how to make them laugh. This wasn't his first time on this planet, he just hoped no one recognized him. 

They all loaded into their lions, flying down to the surface of the planet. Its terrain included a rocky surface, as well as holes and caves. Urako was known for their mining, though, the only metal on the planet was egranium, which didn't have any uses. The Urako people were short meerkat-looking creatures with what many people would call a resting bitch face. This is why Allura assumed they didn't like humor, their faces constantly looked pained and angry. 

Allura greeted the people immediately, same with the other paladins, but Lance stayed behind at first. He needed to make sure he didn't recognize anyone and was happy to find he didn't. The current ruler was new from the one he met last time. 

Lance walked closer to the group, smiling at the Urako people as he passed. 

"We are delighted to have you here, Princess Allura," The King bowed. 

"Thank you, King Remon, it is a pleasure to be here," Allura responded. The other Paladins started chatting with the Urako while King Remon and Allura spoke. Lance stayed close to them, listening to what they had to say. He muttered quietly under his breath, commenting on all the mistakes being made, and what he would do instead. 

Keith noticed his odd behavior and slowly walked closer, listening in on what Remon and Allura were saying as well. He glanced over at Lance. 

"Do you understand what they're saying?" He asked, catching Lance's attention. 

"Nah, means nothing to me," Lance shrugged helplessly. Keith then turned his attention to Coran, that was standing close by. 

"Do you understand anything?" He asked. 

"Yes! They are creating a two-way treaty! We promise to protect the Urako people and they promise to give us supplies including whatever metal they're mining below the planet's surface!" Coran smiled, but Lance's eyebrows furrowed more. 

This is all wrong, why would she take that path when she could have requested we use their planet as a safe spot! We could take other refugees here, or hide out here if we need shelter! Urako isn't exactly a big market planet, and while egramium was an incredibly malleable metal, it was useless due to his inability to harden. If the agency caught wind of this illegal treaty we would have a lot more problems on our hands. 

Lance, of course, didn't say any of this, but his mind was reeling. The Quad-Powers, including Earth and its 3 partnered planets, already had a treaty with this planet, but it was made with King Remon's grandfather, Lance was the one to sign as a representative of Earth. It was clear Remon hasn't been King for very long, otherwise, he would have learned the correct way to form an alliance. Lance watched as they filled out ancient documents that Allura's father used when he was alive, listing agreements that haven't been in use for centuries. 

The crowd cheered, and the party began. Lance decided the best thing he could do was forget about the document and instead focus on the party. 

He spoke with the people, joked around, and charmed his way through the night. Lance watched in delight as Allura gave him a shocked look when Lance managed to get King Remon to laugh as well. The Urako people loved him, they danced around Lance, pulling him over to their friends, which he charmed as well. In the end, he was more popular than any of his companions. 

As the night dwindled out, the party relaxed into idle talking. 

"I would like to give you some advice," King Remon started, looking to Allura, but the other Paladins were around too. "A few years ago my grandfather sealed a treaty with the quad-powers. They run the universe, enforcing universal laws, and keeping everyone in line. I understand your mission is time-sensitive and secretive, hence why I suggest you stay away from them. Once they have you, they won't let go," Lance found it amusing that King Remon was talking about Lance without knowing it. He knew Remon was correct to a degree, but if they did run into people from the agency, Lance was sure he could get them out of it. 

"The quad-powers?" Allura asked. 

"Yes, I am unsure what planets are part of it, but they belong to the outskirts of the universe. They have agents everywhere, of all species," Remon continued, but Lance knew that wasn't exactly true. The races normally consisted of just the 4 alien types that belonged to the 4 planets, but there were a few agents that were of a different species. 

"We'll have to look into it, thank you for the warning," Allura smiled. Lance wondered what would happen if they found out one of the quad-power planets was Earth, but judging by how old the castle is, he doubted it would have the planet's real name. 

The Paladin's said goodbye to the Urako's before loading back into their lions and taking off. Everyone else was exhausted, but Lance felt restless. He wanted to make sure nothing would be revealed by looking up quad-powers in the ship. 

"Alright guys, go get some rest," Shiro called. Everyone inched their way to their rooms. Lance only stayed in his room for about 10 minutes before he left again, heading to the bridge. He pulled up the map, sliding his finger through the known universe before he came to his solar system. He was happy to see that Earth was still labeled as Gaia, or Terra, the name it used before we settled on Earth. 

He moved to the other powered planets, finding Ishuga being the closest. They were the main hub for science and knowledge, the Ishugans also always had a stick up their ass, but Lance learned not to talk about it. Next was Yenson, the planet for agriculture and crops. We trade metal and gems for food. Then to the back of Earth floated Hifosa, the planet known for combat and strength. Earth was the main hub for the agency, it's where our HQ was placed, and where all our missions and training come from. 

Feeling satisfied with what he found, he powered off the bridge and stepped out of the room. He figured training tonight might not be a good idea and decided to go to sleep instead. 

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