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Everyone found Lance in the training room the next morning. Zeno led them to the deck, telling them to stand to the side so Lance could have more room. 

As soon as the door opened, Lance's gaze snapped to them. He seemed to falter for a second before resuming his training. There were 10 robots around the room, all of them armed with a sword, while Lance held no weapon. 

The others had never seen Lance move so quickly and smoothly. It was hard to keep track of him as he pushed through the robots, ripping arms off, and decapitating heads. It only took 3 minutes before every one of the robots were broken and laying on the ground. It surprised the others, even more, when Lance let out a growl of dissatisfaction. 

"Do you feel better?" Zeno asked. Lance shot a bored look to Zeno who just chuckled. 

"So what's up?" Lance asked, his face changing before everyone's eyes. He looked so dull and emotionless before, but now he had a light smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. No one knew how to handle that. 

"We were about to start looking through the archives, but I don't know how you want to proceed," Zeno said, clearly asking if he wanted the other Paladins n' company in the archives. 

"I think it would be best if we gathered the case files and they look through it for important information," Lance muttered.

"Seriously!? You don't trust us with your stupid files?" Keith asked, anger renewing on his face. 

"It's not that. Most of that information is classified to anyone under rank 8. It's not safe to be handing out information, even if it's to you guys," Lance tried to explain, but it was clear some of them didn't believe him. 

"Let's just head to the archives. The place is huge, so it would be better for me and Lance to find the files anyways so this doesn't take too long," Zeno added in, trying to lighten the mood. 

Zeno led them to the archive hallway while Lance took to the back of the group. He tried to keep his head up, especially since other agents were around, but it was hard. 

Zeno opened one of the rooms and told team Voltron to sit at the round table in the middle. He looked to Lance for direction. The room was huge with thousands of files lining the walls. It was then that everyone realized what Zeno meant about it taking forever. 

"We're looking for any information on the Galra, and I know we have a lot. We also need updates from Commander Holt," Lance informed but gave Zeno a pointed look. Zeno glanced back at Pidge who was watching them closely. 

"Understood, any level?" he turned back to Lance. Rank and Level were different. Rank was where the agents were placed, while Level was how important and confidential information and weapons were. 

"Let's leave it at a level 6," Lance sighed. They both turned away and navigated the rows and rows of shelves, not even looking at the case names before pulling them out and creating a pile in their hands. It was clear they knew this place like the back of their hand, including what each file said. 

In no time, the table was full of files involving everything having to do with Galra, and some involving Sam Holt. The Paladins quickly started looking through them, putting some files to the side if they thought it important. 

"Wait, it says here my father's on Earth," Pidge said, looking to Lance who just set down some more cases. Lance seemed to think for a moment before finding something to say. 

"We need to go back to Earth soon, I'll send a message to try and get a video call with him if you'd like," Lance settled on. 

"Wait, we're going back to Earth?" Hunk asked, hope in his eyes. 

"I don't think that's a good idea," Allura said immediately. 

"We have to, my cover's blown and I need to get my case evaluated before I can continue," Lance sighed, clearly not liking the evaluation process. 

"We are defenders of the Universe! We can't take a break so you can go home," Allura was getting angry at this point. 

"If I don't get my case checked then they will remove me by force. And with Garnet being the Director, this is a matter of universal safety. We need to go back," Lance pleaded, his face open and light. 

"Then why don't you just go back? It's clear you don't trust us, and I don't know if I trust you anymore, so why don't you just leave?" Allura shot, her glare hardening on Lance. Zeno recognized the moment Lance returned to agent mode, his face whipped clean, nothing showing. His eyes were dull and his body stood rigid. 

"If you think that is best then I'll step down, please excuse me," Lance's voice was monotoned and quiet, something none of them has ever heard before. Once Lance left the room, Zeno turned to glare at Allura. 

"Are you kidding me?" He asked. 

"I was just telling the truth," Allura shrugged. 

"I just told you that Lance values trust and teamwork higher than anything! Of course, he fucking trusts you! He trusts you more than anyone! Not only that, but you ask if he wants to step down as Paladin?" Zeno's voice started rising. 

"He lied to all of us! He had all this information on the Galra and he didn't say anything! How can we trust him if he won't give us what we need to defend the universe! It's almost like he wants us to fail!" Allura continued. 

"He didn't tell you because he needed to keep his cover hidden! He didn't want to lie to you! and he definitely doesn't want you to fail! You have no idea what he's gone through to keep the Universe safe, and I'm not just talking about being a Blue Paladin!" Zeno shouted. 

"Let's all just calm down! We don't know Lance like we thought we did, so how about we just try getting to know this Lance better? I don't think we should split up our team, I don't want Lance going off by himself," Shiro stepped in, taking hold of the situation. 

"I agree! I don't want Lance to leave!" Pidge said, Hunk nodding his head violently in agreement. Keith simply crossed his arms and looked to the side. 

"I'm glad you're willing to give Lance a chance," Zeno sighed. 

"You seem to know him well, can you tell us about him?" Hunk asked. He couldn't deny the bubble of jealousy that rose in him after seeing how close Zeno and Lance were. 

"I would rather do that with Lance present, but trust me, I have some good stories of him," Zeno smiled. 

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