Twenty one

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Lance was swept into clean-up duty, Keith and Zeno being pulled along too. It only took 5 minutes for Brick to find Lance after the initial crisis ended, and Lance found himself with an armful of Aiden. The Galra were taken out almost instantly with the help of Voltron, and soon everything was more or less back to normal. There were a lot of things that needed to be sorted out, including another planetarian leader's meeting that Lance was putting off for the time being. He made the excuse that he was still dealing with Garnet, even though the man was only barely on his mind.

Lance allowed himself to fade into the background after a while, letting the others clean up the mess Garnet created. Keith stood next to him through it all.

"What were you going to do if Garnet called your bluff?" Keith asked.

"I was going to throw the gun at him," Lance replied without a hint of humor.

"Are you kidding?"

"Nope. It's a heavy gun and Gernet has zero physical training. He would probably have blocked and I would have used that time to apprehend him," Lance shrugged.

"You motherfucker," Keith whispered in awe. Lance smiled and glanced over at his partner.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask," Lance started, attracting Keith's attention. "Zeno and I were talking, how serious were you about wanting to join the agency?"

Keith frowned, "You told me I couldn't." 

"I'm rethinking that decision," Lance sighed. 


"Now that I've taken over being director, I need to appoint two new rank 10s. Lapis has already agreed to be my advisor, and Zeno convinced Kazera to allow him another year of service so he could be my general until someone else was decided. I'm thinking, with Zeno, Lapis, and I working together to train you, we can probably get you the needed badges to be a full agent in 3 to 4 months' time. After that, you'll have to work as a rank 9 for a while. If all goes well, I'll be able to bump you to General by the time Zeno retires," Lance stopped walking and faced Keith head-on, "that is, if you're up for it." 

"How would that work with Voltron? We can't just stop being defenders of the universe," Keith said. 

"I don't expect us to. Everything that's done on Earth can also be done in space. There are bases throughout the universe if we need to be on agency ground, and most of our orders can be done virtually. Since you can fight already, most of your training will be learning the Book and getting your First Responder and Emergency Medical licenses. Zeno and Lapis can teach you over calls, and I can teach you in person. It'll be more work, and it'll probably take the team some time to get used to, but I think it's a reasonable plan." 

Keith pressed his lips together and stared down at the ground. Lance waited patiently as Keith gathered his thoughts. Finally, Keith looked back up, a soft smile adorning his face. 

"I thought you didn't want to be a trainer," He remarked. "You got all pissed when Raven wanted you to train me a few years ago." 

"Things change," Lance smiled back, "people change." 

The blush that overtook Keith's face was adorable. "Are you sure this isn't a violation of some HR rule? Aren't you not allowed to date your boss?" Keith asked. 

Lance laughed and rubbed a hand across his face. "Our HR department is a little more lenient than most," He confessed. 

"Sounds kinda sketchy for the agency that runs the universe." 

"Yeah, well..." Lance looked into Keith's eyes, "does this mean you'll do it? You'll join?" 

"With you as my trainer? Yeah, I'll join," Keith smiled. Lance let out a deep breath. 

"That's good news. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do if you said no." 

"I'm sure Brick would be a fine Rank 10." 

"I was doing everything in my power to put that off for as long as possible," Lance shook his head and continued walking down the hall, Keith matching his pace easily. 

"Wait, if you're my trainer, you decide my agent color, right?" Keith asked, looking over at Lance. His only indication that Lance had heard him was the tug of a smile on his lips. "You better not choose something stupid or I swear to god, Lance..." 

"Don't piss me off and we'll see how it goes," Lance smiles, and it seemed like a nice smile too, but Keith had learned a lot about Lance in the weeks they'd been back on Earth, and he knows that smile is just a little too wide and a little too tense. Keith narrows his eyes with a  frown. 

"You better not name me Goose Turd Green," Keith grumbles, causing Lance to bark out laughing. 

In the following years, Lance rules his agency with a strong hand and sharp eyes. Lapis, though a bit chaotic, turns out to be a great advisor and supporter of Lance through all the hardships that occur while he's in power. Zeno's retirement party was massive and lasted for 2 whole nights, everyone in the agency stopped by to congratulate him and wish him luck with his new job of being a full-time father.  Meanwhile, Keith learned exactly what it took to be a Rank 10 General. Sometimes he wonders how Lance managed to do all this while so young, but Lance is always there to lend a helping hand and offer support and advice when Keith needs it. 

Team Voltron does what it can to remain flexible with the agents on their squad, and over time they grow a routine that becomes second nature. Shiro takes a few months to get over Adam, but he's already had to come to terms with losing Adam once, and now knowing that Adam was a racist dictator, it's much easier for him to move on. 

A few weeks after the initial invasion, Lance announces Director Raven's death, including Garnet's involvement. They give him a section on the hero's memorial, talking about his achievements and aspirations. It still leaves Lance with a heavy hole in his chest, but his family is there to help pick up the pieces. He still doesn't tell them about Luis, that story will follow him to his grave, but they provide comfort when he needs it. 

Keith becomes a steady presence at his side. Quick to handle situations at the agency, and remind/force Lance to rest and take a break when it's clear the older agent needs it. They work as a team, as one fluid motion, bouncing off of each other and pulling each other back in again. They're a force to be reckoned with, the other agents grow to appreciate that about them. Agent Blue and Agent Carmine, heads of the agency. (With Lapis, of course). 

Despite Voltron's travels, they still make trips back to Earth, if only to spend some time with Zeno, Kazera, and Xen. The little Hifosian has taken to calling each of them her Aunts and Uncles.  Uncle Blue, Uncle Red, Uncle Yellow, Uncle Black, Auntie Green, and Auntie Pink. They each love that little girl with all their heart. The team also sees a lot of Brick, as the agent has a habit of showing up for a few days before heading off to whatever mission he's been given. 

Things calm down slightly, not counting the war still ongoing with the Galra. Lance and Keith are able to enjoy their time together. It's nice, it's comfortable, Lance can't wait to see what happens next. 

Holy shit guys! It's done! My story is done! 

Thank you to anyone and everyone who stayed with me through all of this! I know my infrequent updates must have been killing you all, but you don't have to worry about that anymore! (unless you decide to follow another story of mine...) 

I hope I wrapped everything up in the end. I was trying to think of any loose ends that I didn't cover but I think I got everything? My closure with Luis isn't exactly what I wanted, but it'll have to do for now. 

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please let me know! I live for peer approval and I'd love to elaborate on elements of my story if you guys wish! 

It's been a long journey, but it's finally over. 


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