Chapter 10: Get A Room

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Clarke's still in shock, but she pulls herself together as best as she can. Lexa is here, alive, in front of her; Lexa remembers her. This is the first moment when she's felt like this new world is the real one – painfully real, but beautifully so as well. "Where do we start?" she asks, reaching forward and squeezing Lexa's hand again. It trembles in her grasp. The urge to touch her, to never stop touching her, is nearly overpowering. When she pulls away Clarke lets her go unwillingly, confused by her distance.

"With your people, the hundred you brought down with you," Lexa says bluntly, moving away from her, turning so that she doesn't have to look into Clarke's eyes. "After we have considered how to deal with them, we can make plans for the rest of the Skaikru, the Maunon, and the Azgeda."

"And your people as well," Clarke can be just as blunt. "It's not like none of them are threats."

The name 'Titus' hovers between them, unspoken.

Lexa frowns. "A few are, perhaps. For the most part, my people follow my orders. Provided I do not show weakness, they will continue to do so."

"So we're back to jus drein, jus daun?" she doesn't allow herself to sound judgemental of this. Clarke's mouth tastes sour at the thought of it, but she can also understand why Lexa might not want to go down this path again. Last time, Clarke and her people got all of the benefits of blood must not have blood, whereas Lexa – well, she paid the price for Clarke's ideals. Blood must not have blood, but there was blood, Lexa's blood. All over her hands. Her fault.

"No," Lexa says. "But this time I wish to introduce this new idea with small acts of forgiveness, instead of telling my people they must accept those who slaughtered their friends and family. I also plan to increase guards at my tower, restrict the powers Titus has, and restrict the access for several others such as Gustus." She looks fierce but also sure. "I believe in my people, I believe they will follow and obey me. But that does not mean I will not take precautions, this time."

"Okay," Clarke says with a firm nod. "That's sorted then. I think we can handle my people quite easily too. If you send Lincoln and maybe ten or twenty other warriors who you can trust to treat us well to the drop ship for protection, and have people from TonDC bring food to us, none of them are likely to attack you. Especially without weapons. Then, when everyone else comes down, we can make it clear the land is a gift from the Trikru -"

Clarke stops. Lexa is already shaking her head.

"I am well aware of the value of Skaikru gratitude," Lexa says, voice filled with sarcasm.

"Mockery is the product of a weak mind, Lexa," Clarke snaps back.

Lexa inclines her head. "Yes, I should not have spoken so. But truly, Clarke, when has helping your people worked out well for mine?"

"That's unfair," Clarke bristles. "You didn't give us a reason to be grateful in the... in the other world."

"I gave your people land, a place in our alliance, my fealty, and repeated forgiveness for their crimes."

"But you also left us at the Mountain." It hurts Clarke's heart to say the words, even quietly. It's a bruise she's not sure will ever heal, even though she understands the reason for it. It's always going to be a sore spot, somehow.

Lexa sighs. "Yes. I did do that." There's a moment of silence before Lexa speaks again. "You think the best of your people, Clarke, I know that. But the scheme you describe will not work. Your people would fear the warriors sent to help you, see them as captors instead of carers. Your people falling from the sky would not be grateful for the land – they would view it as their right. They see the Earth as theirs and my people as savages."

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