Chapter 95: Shot In The Dark

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Orion is as good as his word. Nyssa seems surprised by his sudden change of heart, but doesn't question it.

"You're not going to tell her?" Clarke asks him once quietly.

"And make her choose between me and her culture?" Orion raises an eyebrow. "I know what she would choose. She has chosen me before. But I will not force her to make that choice again. There is no reason to put her through that."

"What is the plan?" Gustus says lowly from behind them.

Orion doesn't look back, but it's obvious he's addressing Gustus. "We will leave you before we reach the village. Clarke will announce that your mission is vital and secret, and I will tell our hunters that in return for our assistance 'Ontari' told me that there is better hunting far to the west, where the Azplana and her gona will not be. We will avoid the town and go into the wilderness for at least a week so that none can talk of having seen you. That should buy you enough time, sha?"

"Sha," Clarke says. She feels a rush of gratitude. "When I get home, I'll tell the Commander about your people, I promise. If we can, we will get food to you. We'll get food to everyone. I know there's lot of extra food stored in Trikru and Trishanakru territory in preparation for winter."

"Then I hope the new Commander comes north before we all starve for the Azplana's pride," Orion says flatly.

Nyssa appears beside them, running through the snow swiftly and silently. "Jossan went to the north," she reports. "There is a gonakru searching. Perhaps for you?" she directs the question at Clarke.

"Perhaps," Orion says immediately, intercepting the question. "But I do not know that we should risk it."

Nyssa looks at him strangely. "Risk it? What risk?"

"The Azplana has enemies," he points out virtuously. "Who is to say it is her gonakru? It could be deserters or natrona. We know that we will defend Ontari and her prisoner with our lives. Who can say that they will do the same?"

"He is correct," Clarke says, trying to pull back up her façade of cold arrogance and failing. She's been pretending for so long that she's exhausted by it. Instead she lets her face fall into the emotion she actually feels, gratitude. "That's not a risk worth taking." She smiles at Nyssa when the other woman frowns. "Besides, your hunters are doing such a fine job, I don't think a dozen gonakru could do better."

Nyssa flushes with pride and inclines her head. "Mochof," she says softly but with great feeling.

"You don't owe me any thanks," Clarke says honestly. "I should be saying that to you. You've kept us safe and fed." She expands her smile to include Orion. "And your houmon is very selfless to keep guiding us even when he could get rid of us easily."

"It is my duty," Orion says smoothly. But for a second he glances at Nyssa and his expression reveals his guilt and worry. He might talk about wanting to keep her protected, but Clarke's sure a part of him wants to tell her the whole truth. She wishes she wasn't introducing future strife into their relationship with her actions, but it can't be helped. This might lead to discord between them but it also means she and Gustus won't have to try and kill these hunters or enact some other desperate plan.

They reach the village by nightfall.

"Here," Orion says quietly, passing his quiver to her as they part. "Take this. There are perhaps twenty arrows inside it, and a couple of spare bowstrings since the one you are using now is far too old and loose. There is no point in having a bow without arrows."

"Now you've got a bow without arrows," Clarke points out.

"I will be fine," he assures her, glancing back at Nyssa. "My houmon will share her arrows with me." There's a momentary pause and then he reaches out, takes her hand, and squeezes it hard. "I wish you luck," he says.

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