Chapter 12: To See An Old Place With New Eyes

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"Here we are," Lexa says unnecessarily as they enter TonDC. Really, she just says it because she wants to talk to Clarke, but their communication is made so difficult by all the ears around, and the need not to reveal all they know. There is so little she can say. So she says the obvious just to speak.

Clarke looks around and echoes "Here we are." Her tone is surprised.

Lexa suddenly realises that TonDC must look nothing like what Clarke remembers. There's no glaring Trikru, no pyre, no aftereffects of a missile, no gonakru gathered with spears. An army worth of warriors is here, yes, but there is a world of difference between the attitude of gonas going up against the Mountain and the attitude of those here for a handful of bandits. Though they straighten and quieten somewhat at Lexa's arrival, the sounds of laughter and chatter can be heard and none bristle with the aggression Clarke must be used to.

All Clarke has seen in TonDC is violence: this is the first time she sees Indra's village as it is. Just a village, a beautiful small village filled with Trikru going about their evening, teasing each other and swigging their drinks and training and flirting and enjoying themselves. Children run in the growing darkness, playing foolish games, sticks as swords. Their yells and giggles can be heard from far away.

It is wonderful, for Lexa to be able to see her world through Clarke's eyes and for once find nothing to be ashamed of.

Lexa wonders if someday she will also get to see the best of Clarke's world, the peaceful, friendly Ark that she sometimes suspects is a figment of Wanheda's imagination.

Lexa dismounts. They do not have many horses, but her dignity meant she could not walk and give her mount to a struggling Skai child. She had, however, loaded as many of their packs onto the horse as she could, and ordered the other riding Trikru to carry as many of them as possible too. Few Skaikru carried a pack any more. Clarke, walking beside her, is one such, despite Lexa's quiet entreaties. She claimed to be trying to build muscle.

"Indra," Lexa says, allowing her expression to soften slightly at the other woman. Indra bows, glancing at her company with a frown. "We must speak alone. Clarke, wait here. You also, Anya."

She walks forward, following Indra to the tent they always have these discussion in. "Heda," Indra greets her quietly.

"Did you find what I asked you to look for?" Lexa says quietly. It was a last moment request before she left TonDC before, a final flash of inspiration. From that morning Indra has had less than three days to find them. A difficult task.

"Sha," Indra says, troubled. She unhooks a pouch from her belt and passes it to Lexa. "Six of them."

Lexa ties the pouch to her belt, making sure it is secure. "No one knows anything?"

"Nothing at all, Heda," Indra says.

Which means that anyone Indra involved in this task is safe to trust with the secret, or that they are dead. Most likely the first – Indra is rarely cruel. Lexa nods. "Mochof, Indra." Indra still looks troubled, so Lexa continues. "No doubt you wonder about my company."

"I received your messenger," Indra says. "People who fell from the sky." She sniffs, disapproving.

"They may be our key to taking on the Mountain," Lexa says. "I promise, you and Anya both will be involved in any agreements I make about the land around here." She strides to the tent flap, pulls it open, and orders "Bring Clarke," to the warrior waiting outside.

"I am unsure about trusting these... Skaikru. How can they help us against the Mountain? There are so few of them."

"More will arrive soon, I think," Lexa says quietly.

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