Chapter 16: Reassigned to Antarctica

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"Heda, I wish to speak with you." It's Titus.

Lexa looks up, trying to feign disinterest, but well aware of where this conversation will end up going – rapidly downhill, to be precise. "Of course, Titus. What issue do you wish to speak to me about?"

Titus frowns at her. "I have been informed that you are getting very... close, with the leader of the Sky People."

"I was not aware my guards were such gossips," Lexa says coolly. "Or that you would lower yourself to seek out such rumours."

He flushes slightly, looking offended. "Your business is my business, Heda. I try only to help you."

Lexa sighs. "I know that, Titus. Please, continue." Inwardly, she thinks: you do not try and help me. You try and help the Commander. Right now, I have the Commander's spirit, and as long as I behave as you wish, that means you will help me too. The second that changes... I must begin fearing bullets again.

These thoughts make her cold. She wants to view Titus as her teacher, her advisor, her guard, her fleimkepa. Like she did before. She hates that now when she sees him she checks his hands for a gun. But that cannot be helped. Like with Bellamy and Finn kom Skaikru, all she can do is try to limit the danger.

"I simply wish to make sure you are not allowing yourself to be influenced by her," Titus says, unaware of her train of thought. "Hodnes laik kwelnes, Heda. The clans will see this relationship as weakness."

"If you cannot influence me, do you really believe a Skai girl can?" Lexa says, remaining emotionless this time. She will not yell at him again – for all she knows, that's what led him to think she had become weak in the other world. "Our relationship is... pleasant, but not in the way you are implying. It will not be a cause of weakness." She begins walking, forcing Titus to keep pace with her.

He still frowns. "You have not sought such relationships before. You cannot blame me for being concerned."

He means she hasn't been with anyone since Costia, and he wants to know why now. The unspoken name angers her, as does the intrusion into her personal affairs. "Clarke is not Costia. Her company is enjoyable, and I intend to continue enjoying it, but I will not lose sight of my priorities. Our people come first." By 'our', though, she doesn't mean the Trikru or even the twelve clans. She means her and Clarke's people – all of their people – together.

"That is good to know, Heda," Titus says. "Now, as for the thief -"

"He will take his punishment, the same as any thief," Lexa says coldly. "He is not to be wounded, exiled, killed, or disturbed in any way except for the standard two days in a cell given for his crime. I will hear no more about it."

"As you wish, Heda."

She wonders how he will take the news that she wants Clarke as her advisor. Poorly, no doubt. So it is best if by the time it reaches him – by the time Clarke's people fall to the ground – he is far from here. "I wished to speak to you as well, Titus."

"Heda?" His brow knits again.

"I have heard concerning news from the North," she states.

Titus bows his head. "Indeed. The Azgeda grow restless."

"Not that. Other news." She waits until he looks up at her before continuing. "They may have a Natblida they are training alone. They hope the Commander spirit will move to this Natblida when I die, and she will favour them over the other clans."

He blinks, taken aback. "Nia would rule in all but name!"

Lexa nods. "Exactly. If true, I believe this is an indication that the Azgeda could use more oversight from their Heda. I would like you to go North."

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