Chapter 4

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I kept on sprinting, going as fast as I could now. Going nowhere now. It was all a blur before anything else. I was tackled down to the ground. "No no! Please met me go!" I yelled. Now I was being pulled by these wolves.

"It wasn't smart of you to run off boy. Just know that we are fast." the doctor told me. His eyes now a golden color. He lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulder."You will not disrespect my Alpha. I'm sorry Luna but Alpha is very important to me and you make him happy." he said. "I'm Dr.Ellie by the way."

"Let go of me!" I kicked and hit his back. "You weirdos! Living in the middle of the woods! Let me GO!"

"Oh I will but then Alpha will be very, very mad and I don't want that. He's not very.. sane when he's angry. Now stay still. You got very far for a human. Alpha is very pleased but angry that you tried to escape. My suggestions. Don't try it again."

I screamed some more but he just ignored all my curses. "Tyler!" was I so glad to hear that voice. "Let go of my son!" my dad.

"Dad! You found me. Help me!" I begged.

"Let go of my son. We don't want any problems." he said. Ellie stopped walking. I looked around and saw wolves and my siblings staring each other down. My family had their guns out pointing then at the wolves and the wolves bared their teeth. Ready for attack.

"Hold them off." Ellie said. He shifted. Wait shifted. Darkness came to be. What in the world.

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