Meeting New Friends

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Y/N:have you been man

Azure:Been Good

Y/N:Cool how did you get here

Azure:Same Way You Did The Gods Of Light And Dark

Y/N:that's cool.....

Azure:so man i saw what happened *bonks Y/N on the head* how come you attacked cinder she would become good

Y/N:that was not me


Y/N:when i was in that form i feel the voices telling to me to kill no mercy and no regrets

Azure:we need to work on that and hey its that your crush yang

Y/N:well i can't tell her yet because i don't want it to be weird

Azure:understable i will train to control your powers ok?

Y/N:Thanks Man

Ruby:I'm so sorry i didn't mean to

???:ugh are you kidding this is special dust equipment ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!


Y/N catches ruby and azure catches weiss

Y/N: you two ok?

Ruby And ???:Yeah we are fine

???:my name is weiss schnee

Y/N:i'm Y/N and this is my azure


Weiss:Nice to meet you both and excuse me i should heading to my spot

Ruby:yeah we should too

Y/N:alright lets go


Y/N and Azure would relax and listen music

Y/N's Music

Azure's Music

Y/N would start to look around for yang but azure would notice and smiles and teases him

Azure:you are looking for your long lost princess? 😏

Y/N would blush and pouts

Y/N:n-no ok maybe

Azure:maybe you were dreaming about yang in her birthday suit~

Y/N:Shut Up!!

Yang:hey boys what are you talking about?

Y/N:oh hey y-yang

Yang:hey are you ok? You're blushing like bright red

Azure:excuse my friend he is a bit shy

He would flick him off for that.

Yang:I see you know after this Y/N right want to hang out?

Y/N:yeah sure I would love too!

Yang would smile and hugs him which caught him off guard and she looks at Y/N

Yang:are you comfortable~

Y/N would be comfortable and yang was surprised that I was in between her chest but pats my head and puts my head on her lap

Yang:hehe he is so cute!

Azure:yeah he is

Yang would see my smiling face and kiss my head and blushes

Weiss:What the hell?! Ugh nevermind

Yang starts to yawn and fall asleep

Meanwhile Azure looks through the window and sees the moon but shattered

Azure:soon Salem this world will return back into a peaceful world without you in it!

The End!

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