Azure And Winter's Date The Arrival Of Mettallix!!!

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Azure flies towards Altas and starts to lands and runs around the place and sees a bunch of soldiers around the area.


Azure greets himself to the soldiers but the soldiers would point their guns at him which didn't surprise him at all.

Azure:Really guys? You know what doesn't matter I'm looking for Winter Schnee have you seen her?

The soldiers would tell Azure to stand down or they will shoot which annoyed Azure but calms down

Azure:sighs Chaos Control...

The soldiers would be confused of what I said and then Azure in this version of Chaos Control and creates Chaos Guns to shoot at the guards not to kill them just to knock them unconscious and after the Chaos Control ends with Soldiers drop down unconscious

Azure:Phew that was easy now finally I can talk to Winter I bet she is smoking hot but not as Hot as Cinder No No just focus Azure!

Azure would walks around until he sense a powerful attack coming towards him and it was Winter!

Azure would reflect the attack no problem and sees her.

Azure:Winter Schnee.

Winter:You are one of the elementals correct?

Azure:Yes I am.

Winter:It seems you came here uninvited!

Winter draws her Sword and gets ready for a fight!

Azure:That will not be necessary I'm just here to ask you out.

Winter:WHAT?!! Is this a trick?!

Azure:Nah I asked your sister to ask you out.

Winter:Weiss! Very well I will accept.

Azure:Thank you Miss Schnee.

Winter smiles at Azure

Winter:Don't call me that's my mother just call me Winter.

Azure:Ok nice thank you Winter.

Meanwhile inside Azure's Mind

Back with Azure

Azure:Alright see ya then?

Winter:Yes I will see you Azure.

Azure:Me too Winter ☺️

Winter sees Azure smiling face and grows a small smirk on her face

Winter sees Azure smiling face and grows a small smirk on her face

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