Kevin Vs Mercury The Full Potential Of Dark Sonic

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Kevin and Azure would walk around and talking about how to free and redeem Salem
Kevin:still I know there is still good in Salem
Azure:yeah I know but how are we gonna free her
Kevin:wait do you remember how sonic and shadow fused into one being called Shadic

Azure:yeah of course I do why?Kevin:what if we become one being and use the same thing that shadic did to nazoAzure:wait you are right but what about Ernests he is part of this tooKevin:yeah wait what if we combine our ultimate attacks to stun Sal...

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Azure:yeah of course I do why?
Kevin:what if we become one being and use the same thing that shadic did to nazo
Azure:wait you are right but what about Ernests he is part of this too
Kevin:yeah wait what if we combine our ultimate attacks to stun Salem
Azure:I mean yeah in our fused state but I wonder there is final phase for your dark form
Kevin:I think there is and also do you think that cinder and others would arrive here early
Azure:yeah after you recklessly use your power against cinder
Kevin:oh I'm sorry that cinder has cause some lives to taken!
Azure:*Bonks Kevin on the head* still we change her too
Kevin:how?! Only she cares about is power how are we gonna change her azure?
Azure:Simple what about sending into my void to talk her
Kevin:fine if this goes sideways I will kill her
Azure:Tch you can try
Meanwhile With Cinder And The Others
Cinder:hmmmm this is where the one who attacked me came here from beacon
Emerald:you know cinder we can add him to our team and kill ozpin
Mercury:oh please he looks weak and pathetic he has got nothing on me
Cinder:don't be a fool Mercury he is strong but we can use that to our advantage
Mercury:I hope you are right about that because they are coming they would recongize you but you would play dumb
Emerald:just pretend you don't know them
Cinder:right let's go *walks towards their dorms*
Kevin:hey azure?
Kevin:you said they wouldn't come early right LOOK AT THAT
Azure would look at the group and turns to Kevin and bonks him
Azure:not a another word
Kevin:fine *walks towards them trying to act calm but runs towards them at fast speed before being hit by azure with hypersonic punch*

Cinder was shocked and relieved
Cinder's Mind:if that boy were this close to us he would kill us in a sec wait I am afraid of this child Tch no I'm not afraid of that brat
Azure would grab my shirt and shouts
Azure:you can't just attack them without any proof do you want to die by my hands
Kevin:fine I won't kill her for your sake grugh!
Azure:you better or else I will end your existence
Kevin and Azure would return with Cinder more interested in Azure's power and take it for herself
After the fight between CRDL And Pyrrha
Kevin starts to stare at Emerald which she feels weird about it and talks to her team
Emerald:hey guys I see this Kevin guy staring at me
Cinder:he knows about us and the weird part he said that I was the cause of Pyrrha and Penny's Death
Mercury:Heh he just some wimpy kid who knows everything I can beat him
Cinder:Tch whatever you say Mercury it's your funeral
Glynda:alright who wants to go next
Mercury would raises his hand and points at me
Kevin:huh? Me this should be interesting
Ernests:Dude I don't know if you can do this man ever you attacked them
Kevin:relax they aren't gonna taunt you,azure and I know everything we will be fine
I would stand up and smiles
Kevin:I accept your challenge
Mercury:Heh this should be good
Glynda:Alright then BEGIN
Kevin and Mercury would begin their fight and Kevin having the upper advantage with his speed and control of electricity but thanks to his robot legs with his kicks
Kevin:Heh not bad Mercury
Mercury:not bad yourself *charges at Kevin and tries to kick him with his legs but I would smile and punched Mercury in the balls*
Mercury:you asshol-
Kevin starts to throw speed punches towards Mercury
Mercury:damn it Heh is that all you got?
Kevin:allow me to show you
Azure:wait did he find the full potential of the dark
Ernests:maybe let's see
Kevin clenches his fists and calms his mind and screams from the top of his lungs
Mercury:what the hell is this crazy power he has
Emerald And Cinder would be amazed about my power and so is everyone
Suddenly Kevin's eyes would change yellow and his dark fur would turn dark blue and his eyes would turn yellow and everything changes and then there was massive burst of power until Kevin shows his true form
Kevin:this is what I call FASE 4

Azure:you can't just attack them without any proof do you want to die by my handsKevin:fine I won't kill her for your sake grugh!Azure:you better or else I will end your existenceKevin:fineKevin and Azure would return with Cinder more interested i...

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Azure:wait is that?
Ernests:there is no way
Azure And Ernests:FASE 4?!
Ernests:but how did he get that form the other version of sonic got the form from using the chaos and sol emeralds or using the sage energy to combine with the emeralds!
Azure:I think he combine the negative and positive and mixed them into primal energy and create that form
Ernests:that make sense
Ruby:whoa amazing
Weiss:very impressive
Blake:that power is amazing
Yang starts to blush and Kevin sees it and smiles and winks at her which makes yang blush even more and makes her feel strange in her heart

Azure:wait is that?Ernests:there is no wayAzure And Ernests:FASE 4?!Ernests:but how did he get that form the other version of sonic got the form from using the chaos and sol emeralds or using the sage energy to combine with the emeralds!Azure:I th...

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Yang's mind:what is this feeling is this love towards Kevin but I do like him but he does like me too but that form is so hot
Kevin:now then this will be quick *rushes towards Mercury and everything turns dark until they heard
Kevin:DIE 1,000 DEATHS!

The punches would get faster and faster and faster and faster until Kevin's back would form a symbol
Ernests:did he just do the raging demon?!
Azure:huh that is awesome well done man wait hey Kevin
Azure:you didn't kill him did you?
Kevin:no I didn't I only beat the crap out of him
Azure:phew that was close
Emerald:Mercury *grabs him and Carries him by the arm* Tch we will get our turn with you next time hedgehog
Kevin:I will be waiting
Kevin starts to clench his chest and spits out of blood and powers down before breathing rapid
Yang:oh no Kevin *runs towards him*
Ernests:oh no Kevin! *runs towards him and so does Azure*
Kevin starts to breath very rapidly and coughs out more
Azure:Tch here goes Chaos Heal
The healing starts to effect the condition and making him not lose blood and having heart problems
Kevin:Heh thanks azure
Azure:yeah that form seems to have some drawbacks
Kevin:yeah I wonder how- *gets grabbed by yang and gets hugged by her*
Yang:oh Kevin I was worried about you when you were in that state and I have something to tell you
Kevin:you do then what is- MMMMMM!!
Suddenly Yang kissed Kevin which caught everyone off guard expect for Azure And Ernests would smile and thumbs up towards Kevin
Kevin:hehehe wow that was great
Yang:you know if you want to go on a date I'm free if you want to go
Kevin:yeah I would love too
Yang:alright love you *kiss his cheek and leaves his team*
Kevin starts to smile and starts to dance in excitement
Azure:you feel happy?
Kevin:yeah man I hope neo ask you too
Azure:huh now you mention I will ask someday when she is not too busy
Ernests:eh I don't know man me with Weiss I don't know she is interested in me
Kevin:come on we believe you in man you can do it man
Azure:yeah man she would love to go out anyways we decided after we graduate we are gonna go to stop Salem and then end ironwood's life
Ernests:alright heroes let's make the world peaceful for our friends
The End.....

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