The New Prophecy is here Meeting Penny Again

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Azure and Ernests were shocked to see this infront of them!

Azure:is that-


Kevin:yes this is us.


Kevin:I think the gods did this.

Ernests:Not that surprising from them.

Azure:well it says in the painting four huntress and three elementals use the power of the Super Emeralds to destroy the evil witch once and for all?! What no?! The Chaos Emeralds are use to create new life and create new super forms not destroying Salem we will free Salem no matter what!


Azure:These Gods made this mess and we will become something the gods aren't! PROTECTORS!!!!

Kevin:that sounds great but do you think the girls will believe us that they were involved in this painting?

Azure:Maybe let's test out by tomorrow.

The Next Morning

Yang:WHAT?! You are kidding right? We are in that painting!

Kevin:that is correct Babe.

Weiss:still it is us that is amazing but kinda creepy?


Azure:Yeah I can tell.

Blake looks carefully at the painting and then sees a vision!

Blake would be Surrounded by Fire and Destruction all around the planet and then sees Kevin on a throne!?

Blake:Kevin? Is that you!? What happened to this place!


Blake starts to push back by the pressure then sees the Dead bodies of her enemies and friends and sees Azure with a mask

Kevin?:Kill Her.

Azure would charge towards Blake and Blake was frozen in fear and screams meanwhile the others would calm down Blake and sees me and starts to get scared

Kevin:What Happened?!

Blake:You did this.

Kevin:Wait I did?! But how?!

Blake would explain and Kevin gets Angry by this Vision

Kevin:It's the gods!


Kevin:I'm not surprised they are doing this!

Yang:Hey it's not your fault! Just calm down ok?

Yang would kiss Kevin on the cheek just to calm him down which surprised ruby!

Kevin:Hehe thanks Yang.

Yang:No problem~

Ruby:Wait you two are dating?!

Kevin:Um...yeah didn't yang tell you?

Ruby:hehe I guess it did slip my mind

Kevin:Yeah still we need to inform Ozpin about this!

Weiss:Why not inform Altas or my Sister?

Azure:Listen Weiss we-

Kevin:Listen we don't have to deal with ironwood and his soldiers interfere with our plans so no!

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