Y/n's Training To Control The Dark Form A Fire Sonic Element Has Arrived

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Y/n starts to run around more and more but stops and attacks the punching bag more and more and spin attacks him more and more and starts to shot chaos spears to damage the punching bag
Y/n:Heh this power feels unreal and Great but the rage inside of Avenging Penny And Pyrrha,Killing Cinder
Azure:Yes I understand what you mean but you need to control your rage
Azure:how about inner training for your mind
Y/n:do you think that will work on me
Azure:yeah it worked some characters
Y/n:understandable here goes nothing *goes his normal dark form and closes his eyes*
Meanwhile in the inner world of his mind
Y/n:*Gasps* huff puff huff wow this place is so weird and feels weird it's dark in here
???:You felt so confused nothing more or nothing less
???:come on dear friend don't you recognize my voice or maybe my face

Y/n starts to run around more and more but stops and attacks the punching bag more and more and spin attacks him more and more and starts to shot chaos spears to damage the punching bagY/n:Heh this power feels unreal and Great but the rage inside ...

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Y/n:P-Pyrrha no this is not real
Pyrrha would stab you in the arm and you would be screaming in pain and looks in fear
Y/n:you are not Pyrrha you are just some dark place in my mind!
Y/n would charge straight at The Dead Pyrrha but Pyrrha would not feel it that would make him so confused but before he was ready to charge up a chaos cannon he would get kicked by a familiar leg

Y/n:P-Pyrrha no this is not realPyrrha would stab you in the arm and you would be screaming in pain and looks in fearY/n:you are not Pyrrha you are just some dark place in my mind!Y/n would charge straight at The Dead Pyrrha but Pyrrha would not f...

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Y/n:Stay Away From Me
Penny:you did this Y/N YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!!!
Y/n would starts to transform and punched her head off but Pyrrha would help get head together again and the two would attack in sync and fight more and more no matter what Y/n does,Pyrrha and Penny would kick or stab him
Pyrrha:ready to give up or you are gonna to die trying

Y/n:Stay Away From MePenny:you did this Y/N YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!!!Y/n would starts to transform and punched her head off but Pyrrha would help get head together again and the two would attack in sync and fight more and more no matter what Y/n doe...

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Penny:SHUT UP *Kicked you in the gut and making you lose all confidence*
Pyrrha:NOW DIE *Before Pyrrha can stab him someone would interfere with her It's was penny with her maiden powers*

Dark Pyrhha:WHAT?! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!Light Penny:I made it possible Y/n didn't watch us die he give us hope like he did with us in his mind so don't blame him please PyrrhaPyrrha starts to change and her aura would be light as wellLight Pyrrha...

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Light Penny:I made it possible Y/n didn't watch us die he give us hope like he did with us in his mind so don't blame him please Pyrrha
Pyrrha starts to change and her aura would be light as well
Light Pyrrha:look Y/n I understand why you are doing this but you need to help yourself to control this power and having the power is dangerous you need to let go now please for us
Y/n nods and charges up more chaos energy more and more and more until he screams
Chaos Light:the technique that restores your body,mind and soul to help with this balance with dark and light
Y/n would wake up with light dark glow and his aura would be pure chaos energy
Azure:hey he did it he has become the true Dark Sonic user!

Dark Pyrhha:WHAT?! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!Light Penny:I made it possible Y/n didn't watch us die he give us hope like he did with us in his mind so don't blame him please PyrrhaPyrrha starts to change and her aura would be light as wellLight Pyrrha...

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Meanwhile with ???
???:this power is something is super cool now I can feel him now I have to find him before Fleetway takes control him

Meanwhile with ??????:this power is something is super cool now I can feel him now I have to find him before Fleetway takes control him

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???:I'm Coming My Friend *Turns Fire Sonic And Flies Towards Your Energy*

???:I'm Coming My Friend *Turns Fire Sonic And Flies Towards Your Energy*

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The End.....

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