Chapter 18

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Alice Doing Her Fancy Shoulder Spin With Nate!!!

I heard some gasps then laughter from the people that saw us and I couldn't do anything except hang there. It was a little embarrassing for everyone to see me like that for the first time, but I had a plan. Now that we were on the sand, if I did fall and the plan didn't work, it probably wouldn't hurt me that bad. When I could feel that there were people around us, I decided to put the plan into action. I quickly spun one of my legs over his other shoulder and used the momentum to sit on the front of his shoulders and spin him around so he fell in the sand. I landed over the top of him with my fist raised like I was going to punch him. I smiled down at him when he looked at me in shock.

I didn't have much time to help him up when the shock wore off of him because a group of guys grabbed me and ripped me off of him. "Hey!" I shouted, "Let go of me!" I could hear Nate shouting something too, but I was so caught up in what was happening to me that I didn't really catch what was being said. "You think you would learn your lesson after being sent to the pit once for attacking an alpha," one of the wolves taunted at me. Upon hearing this, my whole body froze and the color drained from my face. "As your future alpha, I am commanding you to let go of her, now!" I finally heard Nate, but the males didn't do anything.

When they started to drag me to the pack house, I lost it and started thrashing and screaming like a maniac. Nate grabbed one by the collar and threw him on the ground just as my mom raced forward and put herself between us and the pack house. One of the males made a grab for her, but suddenly, Catt had the man in a choke hold. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said darkly. Nate ripped another one off me, leaving one wolf on my left arm and one wolf on my right arm. I quickly threw the back of my head into one of their noses and elbowed the other in the gut with my newly freed arm.

"Thats enough!" A booming voice made everyone still. Carter was standing there with Jane and they both looked angry. "You will let go of the girl this instant!" The guys instantly backed up a few steps and only one tried to protest. "But sir, she-" Carter didn't give him any room to explain though. "She what? Is guilty of having a good time with her mate? If she wanted to hurt him, she would have hit him. I was watching the whole thing from the window in the house, she did nothing wrong." Eventually, they all gave up and left and Nate quickly pulled me against his chest and buried his nose in my hair. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble..." I felt really horrible.

"You're completely fine, dear, some of the pack are just skeptical about your species, which is something they'll have to figure out for themselves. Carter and I were both watching in that window, and let me tell you, you looked like a badass." Jane laughed at the end. I nodded to what she was saying and looked at Carter. "Thank you," I told him quietly, I was honestly surprised that he stood up for me, I didn't think he really liked me all that much... He took a step closer to me and grabbed my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, it might actually help to keep some of the pack members off your back. I also owe you an apology, I didn't really give you a chance when we first met, and it wasn't fair. I hope you'll forgive me. And just between you and me," he quieted down to a whisper, "you did look like a badass. Well done." I chuckled a little at that. "I forgive you, it was partially my fault too, I didn't give you much of a reason to think that I wasn't off my rocker..." He smiled, patted my shoulder, and walked down the beach to talk with some other pack members.

"Are you alright?" My mom asked in concern. I gave her a small smile and nodded my head. "Im fine, they just scared me when they started talking about the pit." Nate grabbed my upper arm and pulled it towards him so he could see it better. It was then that I noticed that I had angry red hand prints on my arms. "It's fine Nate, it probably happened when I was struggling with them..." He shook his head and glared a little. "This is not okay," he pointed out. "You don't heal fast like we do. You're going to slowly heal like a human and it will leave bruises." I pulled my arm out of his grip gently and took a step back from him to give him a playful smile.

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