Chapter 20

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Picture Up Above Is Brock!!!!!

Paige's POV

Everyone was yelling all at once. We were all sitting in the meeting hall because the Alpha wanted to talk to everyone about the events that took place today. I was scared for Alice, she was probably my only friend and I didn't want anything to happen to her because she was sticking up for me. About half of the pack members wanted her banned from pack territory. I knew that most of them came up with something to say because they saw Alice doing her whole magic thing. They were scared, they already hated her and her mom because of what they were but today, Alice showed how powerful she was and they said she was going to destroy the pack.

"She can't be trusted!" One of the elders shouted, while one of the warriors yelled, "Who's to say she won't turn the power she displayed today on the pack?! We would have no way to defend ourselves!" While some were angry and scared, I knew that others were all too happy to take advantage of this situation. One in particular stood out to me, Doctor Jackson. He had multiple sexual assault warnings from the alpha because he preyed on younger girls that wound up in the clinic. He thought he was going to be the greatest supernatural scientist in the world and he wanted to turn Alice into his guinea pig.

"If I was able to run some tests on her, I'm sure I could figure out the wiring of her brain and I could perform a surgery to clip the nerves. This could prevent her from being anything but a normal mermaid!" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Doctor Jackson was bad news and if the elders let him experiment on Alice, she would probably die. Just then, Rose stood up and she looked ready to kill someone. Her face was red and her hair was everywhere. "No one is going to touch a hair on my daughter's head. I will have us packed up and moving across the country in a matter of minutes. We will not stay here if I think my daughters safety and health is on the line!"

Even my mom stood up to add something to the discussion. "Alice saved my daughter! I will not stand for anything negative to befall her when the only thing she did was drill in the pack ideals that everyone should already respect! She's not even a wolf and has already displayed more knowledge and consideration than some of our pack born members have!" I could see Carter and Jane arguing about something at the front of the stage where they couldn't be heard and I only hoped that they were not actually listening to the horrible things the pack was saying. They wouldn't hurt their own son's mate, right?

"That's enough!" Carter spoke as he came to the front of the stage. "Alice has shown a great amount of power today. Power that could be used to hurt people. However, she also showed a lot of potential. If she knew how to control her powers, I believe she could be a great leader for this pack. Alice didn't hurt anyone, but she did get their attention. She sent her message loud and clear. Who are we to punish her for sticking to the belief system that some of us have obviously forgotten?"

I was happy that the alpha was being reasonable, but others were not. "Alpha!" Doctor Jackson shouted. "If you would allow me to work on her, this could lead to extremely vital scientific discovery!" I couldn't believe the audacity of this man! Alpha Carter was obviously going to say no- "If I were to say yes," wait what? He was considering it?! "Would her life be in any danger? Could she be harmed in any irreversible way?" Doctor Jackson looked at the alpha like he was an idiot. "Of course, I would be performing on her brain and they don't heal like we do, but think of all the things we could learn!"

I watched Rose jump to her feet and she looked like she was going to launch herself at him. At the last second, Catt grabbed her around the waist and held her to him. "Catt, let me go! I don't want to hurt you..." She yelled at him and started thrashing around. Gasps were heard around the room and some moved away from where she was sitting. "Rose, be patient! Nothing is going to happen to Alice, they would have to go through me and you. Just wait and listen," Catt looked at Doctor Jackson and his eyes flashed red as he bared his teeth at him. I know Catt wouldn't hurt any of us, but if I'm being honest, he could be scary as hell.

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