Chapter 17

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Picture Is The Beach By The Pack House!!!

I climbed the stairs to go to my room and I bumped into my mom coming out of her room, already dressed and ready for her day. "Alice!" She nearly shouted before she was hugging me. "How are you feeling, are you alright?" My eyes started to water with unshed tears and I whispered my response, hoping that she might not hear it, but wishing she would. "I remember what I did last night." Her eyes got big and she took a step back from me. "Alice," she said slowly, "you never remember what happens." I glared at her in exasperation. "Well no duh mom, thanks so much for enlightening me! It's not like I knew that already or anything."

She stared at me in shock, I was never one to be sarcastic and mean to my mom and she obviously wasn't expecting it at all. "Alice, I didn't mean it like that," she tried to explain but I cut her off before she could say anymore. "I want to know why I remembered. It's a blessing that I never remember and now I haven't even got that. It's just an evil reminder that I hurt everyone around me and now I have to remember how the faces of the people I hurt looked. I don't want to be a monster." She reached out to touch my face but I quickly grabbed her wrist and twisted it around so I could see the inside of her wrist.

There was a jagged pink scar on the inside of her wrist that would probably never go away. I had put a scar on the one person I loved the most. "This, mom, is not okay. What if I had done this to a child? Or what I did to Catt, what if he didn't heal fast? If I can't help the way I am, I at least don't want to remember how evil I am. I'm going to take a bath." I let go of her hand and practically ran from her to my room. I quickly opened the door in my room that joined to the bathroom and slammed it shut behind me, leaning on the door and slowly sliding down it. Couldn't I catch a damn break? This felt so repetitive, it was driving me insane.

I shakily stood up and started to fill the bathtub up with warm water. When I was satisfied with the water levels in the tub, I began to undress. Before I stepped into the bath, I turned to look at myself in the full length mirror on the bathroom door. My scars were all still visible and would probably never go away. Overall, I felt like crap and I looked like crap. I sighed and quickly lowered myself into the water. I washed my hair quickly and thin just let myself relax when I was done. I lowered the top half of my body under the water, making my tail hang over the edge of the tub. I breathed in the water and watched the last of my air bubbles rise to the surface of the water.

Sometimes I wish that I could drown, death had to be better than the shit show called life. Sometimes I had dreams that I was just a human and I was always happy in my dreams, but then I wake up, only to find that I'm a miserable freak. No, I wouldn't change me being a mermaid for the world, I just wish that I was like my mom, she had it so easy. I slowly sat up and pulled the drain to let the water out of the tub. When the water was gone I pulled the towel into the tub and mostly dried off. When it was close enough, I pulled myself to the side and practically threw myself out of the tub.

When I was completely dry and I had my legs back, I wrapped the towel around me and walked to the bathroom door. I was in such a rush that I didn't stop to grab clothes before I got in the tub. I opened the door only to see Nate whirl around to face me. The small towel wrapped around my body left little to the imagination. A lot of cleavage was on display and the towel when just down past my butt. "Nate!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs, "Get the fuck out!" He quickly put his hand over his eyes and ran out of the door, slamming it shut behind him. I let out a large breath and went over to my dresser to quickly grab some clothes.

I slowly opened my bedroom door when I was done getting dressed and slowly walked down the stairs, ready to face the music. I made it to the kitchen where I heard laughing. Upon walking in, I found a red faced Nate and a hysterical Catt and my mom. "You told them?" I glared at him, no wonder they were laughing. "No, he didn't have to. We heard you scream just fine." My mom laughed. "Nate! Get the fuck out!" Catt tried to imitate my voice by screaming loud and high pitched, just making the two of them laugh harder. "Yeah, laugh it up people. Real funny." I couldn't help but smile though, it was pretty funny.

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