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You wake up at 1 in the morning. You are woken up by Hange. They didn't want to wake you up. You see them standing all crawled up, crying a little. And yes, they are still a little buzzed but they are not drunk anymore. You see them cry and immediately get worried. You get up and hug them.

Y/N: Honey, are you ok? What happened?

HANGE: I... 

They start crying even harder. You take their face in you hands and whipe away their tears. You take their hands and look into their eyes. 

Y/N: What's wrong? Try and calm down a little, and then you can tell me what happened. 

You hug them, putting their head on your shoulder. They hug you tight, biting your shoulder so they don't scream. You massage their back and try to calm them down. Feeling the warmth of your body, they slowly calm down.

Y/N: What happened that made you cry this bad? 

HANGE: I love you so much! You are the best thing that happened to me ever. You care more about me than anyone ever did, and I am so lucky to have you. But-

Y/N: What is it? 

HANGE: I finally got accepted in teaching chemistry at a university.

Y/N: Congrats, I am so proud of you! 

HANGE: No, Y/N, I don't thing you understand.. its on the other side of the country.

Y/N: And?

HANGE: Y/N.. I don' know how to say this... I can't have a long distance relationship. Just when I think about being far away from you gives me depression. Not kissing you.. not seeing you.. not being able to actually be with you. This kills me on the inside Y/N..

Y/N: Are you saying that...

HANGE: We need to break up. Please, don't get me wrong, I don't want to do this but... it's better this way. I don't want any of us to suffer because of a long distance relationship...

They start crying again. You hug them and cry too. 

Y/N: Please don't do this... we can find solutions.. please don't...

HANGE: Y/N... I love you! Thank you for making my life happier.

They get up and run downstairs. You run after them. They exit the door and drive away.


They are already gone. You go in the corner of the kitchen and start crying. Eren hears you and comes to the kitchen. 

EREN: Y/N? Jesus Christ what happened?

Y/N: ... nothing.

EREN: Y/N, you never cry.

You get up and punch a wall. Zeke and Erika heard you too and they come too. 

ZEKE: Y/N? Are you crying? 

He gets you up the ground and hugs you, trying to calm you down.

ZEKE: Calm down, your eyes are gonna be really puffy-


Erika takes you from Zeke's arms and puts you into hers. Then she leaves you and takes your hands.

ERIKA: Y/N, calm down. Breathe, then tell us what happened.

You slowly try to calm down, then you tell them everything that happened.

ERIKA: You poor thing...

Eren and Zeke look at each other, then they look at you. They both look pissed and about to kill someone. You look at them with a serious look on your face.

Y/N: No. 

EREN: But-

Y/N: No. Let's just go home.

You get in the car. Because Eren is the only one sober, he drives. You don't talk to them at all. You get home and go straight to your room and start spamming Hange with calls and messages. No answer. You turn around and scream in a pillow. 

The next day you spam them again, with no answer still. You had enough of this bullshit and decided to go to their house. You get dressed, get the car keys and start driving to your ex's house. You get there and knock on the door. 

HANGE'S MOM: Y/N? Hi, come in. Hange is in their room.

Y/N: Thank you Mrs. Zoe.

You go upstairs. Hange's door is open and you go inside their room. They don't notice you. You go and sit on their bed, waiting for them to notice you. You look at them, they are doing some type of chemistry, you never knew chemistry so you don't understand what they are writing down there. They look really concentrated on their work. After like 2 minutes of looking at them, you got bored.

Y/N: Are you trying to find our chemistry?

Hange jumps out of the chair, dropping their pen. They turn around and look at you. 

HANGE: Jesus Christ Y/N! I almost had a heart attack. 

Y/N: Wow, now you talk to me.

Hange closes the door.

HANGE: Y/N... look..

Y/N: Why are you ignoring me? Where did all this come from?

HANGE: Y/N.. I already told you it will hurt, or we don't know if it will work out.

Y/N: If we really love each other it will work out. 

You go closer to them, putting your hand on their shoulder. 

Y/N: Nothing can stop love. 

They start crying again, throwing themselves into your arms.

HANGE: The truth is that I am scared. I am scared of losing you while I am away. 

Y/N: Sugar... do you really think I would give you up on some random person? I would never.

HANGE: Oh, and I am sorry for ignoring you.

Y/N: Yeah... that kinda annoyed me. 

You want revenge on that. You think about what annoys them the most. They are very tickleish. You start tickeling them, they laughig really hard. You eventually stop, because they laugh so hard they can't breathe anymore. You get back together, you french kissing them.

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