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You go back home and wait for Hange's call so you know that they landed safely. You do your things, like cooking and cleaning but you always keep you phone with you, because you dont Want to miss your soulmate's call. After some hours your phone rings. You run to see If its Hange. Your dissapointment, its not. Its Historia. You pick up the call.

HISTORIA Y/N! Hi how are you?
Y/N  I'm good, how are you? I'm waiting for Hange to call me.
HISTORIA Oh.. I wanted to ask you if you want to hang out.. but I guess we will hang out another time..
Y/N No no, its fine, Hange's plane is supposed to land in like an hour. Are you free in an hour?
HISTORIA Yeah, sure, but can Ymir come too?
Y/N Of course! But where do you Want to go?
HISTORIA I dont know.. just a normal hang out in the park... with some snacks and a monster energy drinks?
Y/N Yeah, sure.
HISTORIA Ok, see you in an hour..
Y/N Bye bye!

You end the call and go watch some TV. You change the channels and hope you find something interesting. You get on the News channel. The News were about a Plane crash. You start to get a little worried because Hange's plane didnt land yet, but you dont think much of it. Then you close the TV because you got bored, and you go in the kitchen to grab something to eat. You decide to make a sandwich. When you are done making your sandwich your brother, Zeke, comes bursting into the kitchen with a surprised but kinda happy look on his face.

Y/N What happened? you said biting the sandwich.
ZEKE I am going to be a dad.

You choke with the sandwich. Then you look at him in shock.

Y/N Congrats?
ZEKE Thank you! Me and Erika are so happy! We already started looking for names and...

He kept talking about baby names and baby stuff. He didn't have much until he explained how the baby was made either. He kept talking until you stop him.

Y/N Zeke, Zeke hey... you know this girl since last week..
ZEKE Ok and?
Y/N Isnt it a little too early for being nasty and having a baby?
ZEKE Oh shut up. You and Hange fucked on the night you met too.
Y/N Dont forget that your younger brother dared me to do that.. and neither of us is pregnant.
ZEKE Well you are Both girls..
Y/N Hange is nonbinary please have a little respect! But yeah, they have a female body.
ZEKE Sorry.
Y/N Well if the girl thinks like you you are definetly soulmates.
ZEKE You really think? I was planning on proposing after I found out.
EREN Y/N, I am sorry for saying that you and Hange were rushing on things, Zeke is at a whole new level.. Eren said entering the kitchen.
ZEKE Will you help me propuse to her or not?
Y/N Of course I will, but another thing.. how did she find out so fast that She is pregnant?
ZEKE She had morning sickness and she did a blood test.
Y/N Thats a little weird.. you guys were nasty just a week ago..
EREN Y/N is right. Its a little early... the baby isnt worse maybe?
ZEKE Are you jerk trying to say that my baby monkey is cheating on me?
Y/N No, Zeke...
EREN Baby monkey?
ZEKE Yeah, I can call my girlfriend how I want!
Y/N Guys, stop. Zeke, Eren wasnt saying that she is cheating on you..
ZEKE Then what did this bug want to say?
Y/N First of all, both of you, calm down. Then, Eren was trying to say that maybe she got pregnant by her ex. You have only known each other for almost 2 weeks.
ZEKE Okay, that makes sense.
EREN See who is smarter BigFoot?
ZEKE I swear I'm...

You slap both of them.

Y/N Dont you dare fight after what happened last time. We have a proposal to plan.
EREN Y/N you are right again. We need to plan it.

Zeke looks at both of you and he looks like he is about to cry from happiness. He mostly looks at Eren, he didn't expect him to be supportive.

ZEKE Oh, and I'm gonna move out, we are gonna buy a house.

Y/N But I'm gonna hang out with Historia and Ymir, can we plan it later today? And please dont fight again while I'm gone... or at least dont mess up the house.
EREN Ok, ok, we will try.

Your phone rings. Its Hange.

Y/N Hi love! How are you? Did you land safe?
HANGE I'm good, kinda tired but good. I already miss you.
Y/N Aww same. And I have some news.
HANGE Spill the tea.
Y/N Zeke's girlfriend is pregnant. And he is gonna move out with her.. so I can move in with you sooner.
Y/N Hange? Sugar?
HANGE Sorry, I was just doing my victory dance.

You both start laughing, then spend like 10 minutes talking about Hange's new job and about how your manga is going.

HANGE I am so so tired..
Y/N You should go to sleep.
HANGE But I wanna talk to you...
Y/N Honey, I'm always here, you can talk to me when you will wake up, please get some rest.
Y/N No buts.
HANGE Ok.. I love you.
Y/N I love you too, sweet dreams!

You hang up and then text Historia that you are ready. You go and wear a pair of sneakers then you go to the park. Ymir and Historia were waiting for you. They bought snacks. You go sit in a bench and start talking about stuff.

YMIR And, how's your relationship with Hange going?
Y/N Its going great. Actually I need to thank you guys. If Historia didn't invite me to the party and you didn't tell myself to pick a target me and Hange would have never been a couple.
HISTORIA No need to thank-
YMIR You're welcome.
HISTIRIA Also, me and Ymir are engaged.
Y/N Congratulations! Why did you wait so long to tell me?
HISTORIA We got engaged yesterday..
Y/N Exactly, too damn long. Also, who proposed?
YMIR Historia.
Y/N Okay thats unexpected.
HISTORIA Did you and Hange think abou marriage?
Y/N Uhhh.. we havent been together for a long time at all, so no, not yet. But to be real, I will marry them. I promise I will.

You keep talking, then, after a while, you go home.

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