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You get home, hoping that you dont find your brothers fighting again or your house being a mess. You enter the house, obviously with a little bit of anxiety, and the house is exactly how you left it. The house is quiet. You get a little scared, because you think they killed each other. You go in the kitchen and you see your brothers at the table, making proposal plans.

EREN So, you are gonna sit here and...
Y/N Why didn't you wait for me?
EREN Oh, hi Y/N!
ZEKE Sorry, but let us show you the proposal plan!

You go and sit at the kitchen table.

EREN Ok, so its a classic proposal, with a big red and white roses bouquet and a diamond ring.
Y/N And why did you spend so much time planning it then?
EREN I haven't finished. Zeke and his beloving lover will walk in the park...
Y/N Which one?
EREN The one with the cherry blossoms. Then Levi and Erwin will come and start talking to Zeke. They will say something like:"Is this your girlfriend?" And Zeke will reply with: "She's not my girlfriend." then wait a few moments, then say "She's my wife." then propose.
Y/N Okay, thats a classic one, but its cool. Also, do Levi and Erwin know about this?
Y/N Oh, ok. And when will you propose?
ZEKE Tomorrow.
Y/N Tomor- wont she expect it?
ZEKE Probably, but we have been together for a week, so its a 50-50 chance. Will you be there to film her reaction?
Y/N Yeah, sure.

You go in your room and work more on your manga, until you realise you have to cook dinner. You are too lazy to do that so you order pizza. It comes and you call your brothers for dinner. You eat and talk to Zeke and Eren.

EREN And what if she says no?
ZEKE Shut up.
Y/N Both of you, shut up and eat. But I am curious now, what if she says no?
ZEKE Guys stop. And I dont know, we will see if it happens.
EREN Hopefully it happens.
Y/N Eren!
EREN What? I was just saying my opinion.
Y/N Jesus Christ...

You take your plate and go eat in your room, because both your brothers annoy you. You are eating and watching a movie, when you get a text. Its from Hange.

HANGE Hi sugar
Y/N Hi babe, how are you? Did you sleep well?
HANGE I just woke up.. yeah, i slept good, I was having a good dream.
Y/N What did you dream about?
HANGE Us getting married.
Y/N  Aww
HANGE How are you?
Y/N My brothers are pissing me off, but other than that I am ok. When do you start working?
HANGE On Monday. I am really exited but also kinda anxious about this. What if they wont like me?

Y/N Love, there are 2 ways. One, they will like you very much, because to be honest, who doesnt like you? And two, they will think that you are crazy as fuck, but they will still like you. And if they dont like you what?  Their opinion doesnt count anyways. I will always like and love you. 

HANGE I am so glad that I was your party back at that party. 

Y/N I love you too! Also, have you prepared your speech?

HANGE Do I need to prepare a speach WHAT?!

Y/N You dont need to, but I recommend you to, I dont want you to stay petrafied there, in front of the students, not knowing what to say. 

HANGE Oh shit, I need to make it ohmygod..

Y/N I can make it for you if you want.

HANGE Oh, no no, that's not necessary. I dont want you to stress over this too, you have the manga you work on, you have to publish one chapter every month, its a lot of work to do, I'll make it myself.

Y/N Can you send me the speech after you make it?

HANGE Of course! You are the writer here, I want your approval! 

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