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You wake up at 5 a.m. to a call.

Y/N: Hmph? What? 

HISTORIA: Y/N! Good morning sunshine!

Y/N: Why the hell are you awake? It's freakin' 5:13 a.m.!

HISTORIA: Uhm... yeah, about that... it doesn't matter!

Y/N: Then why did you call me...

HISTORIA Ymir was invited to a party, and was told she can bring 2 more people. Obviously I am one of the 2 people.

Y/N: Is Ymir the reason why you are awake at this hour?

HISTORIA: Ermm..Erm... it doesnt matter! Well, where were we? Oh, yeah, the party. I told you she can bring 2 more people, one of them being me. Would you like to be the second one?

Y/N: You? Parties? Wow, I have lived to hear this one.

HISTORIA: Can you stop teasing me and answer the question?

Y/N: Sure. What was the question again?

HISTORIA: I give up.

Y/N: Hahah, sorry, I was joking. Sure, I'd like to go.

HISTORIA: Great! I'll go tell Ymir.

Y/N: So she is the reason why you're awake.


Y/N: Sorry, I can't keep myself But I have one question. WHY THE HELL COULDN'T YOU WAIT UNTIL A RESONABLE HOUR TO TELL ME!

HISTORIA: Let's just I was too exited about the party. Oh, and the party is tomorrow.

Y/N: Ok, let's I believe you.

HISTORIA: Oh, and wear something spicy.

Y/N: Uhmm... there might be a problem. Me and spicy... you know, we are not that close. I dont have anything spicy, besides mexican food

HISTORIA.• Girl, how? Even I have something spicy in my closet. I am shocked!

Y/N: Why don't you admit that you are soft just on the outside? Girl, you look so inocent, but in reality...

*Ymir in the backround*: She's right.


*Ymir in the backround*: Dont deny it! You rail me out like...

Historia hangs up.

Y/N: Ok, what was that...

You laugh. Then you go back to sleep, but you can't fall asleep anymore. You keep scrolling on your phone, until 7 a.m., when your brother comes bursting into your room. You and your twin brother have a very strange love hate relationship. You like to annoy each other, but you love each other? No, love is not the right word. You protect each other, because you are related. That's all.

Y/N: Have you ever heard of knocking?

EREN: Shut the fuck up. Where is my  Where is my piercing?

Y/N: In your mouth...

EREN: Haha. Funny. But for real. Where is it?

Y/N: What makes you think I know?

EREN: Your obsession for me.

Y/N: Eren, what the fuck...

EREN: I am trying to be funny.

Y/N: You are not funny. You have a more Zeke attitude than Zeke himself.

EREN: You are right. Ew.

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