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You whipe out their tears and then kiss them. Then, you both sit on their bed and start to talk.

Y/N I am sorry for reminding you about this. When do you need to leave?

HANGE This week.You know... school starts on Monday, so I need to be there. I can't wait to teach chemistry at this university... my dream finally comes true..

You see the happiness in their eyes when they talk about teaching chemistry at a top university. You look at them and fake a smile, becaause you know you can't go with them. 

HANGE Y/N? Are you ok? Why are you smiling so fake? 

Y/N Oh, nohing babe, I am fine.

You kiss them on the cheek.

HANGE You know what? Why don't you come with me? I have bought a really nice house there. yes Hange, that's a brilliant idea, you are a genius! Why didn't I think about this earlier?

You look at them with a sad look on your face. They see you and their smile instantly drops.

HANGE What happened? Did I say something wrong? 

Y/N Oh no, no love, you didn't do anything wrong. 

HANGE Then what is it? What's wrong?

Y/N I can't come with you..

HANGE What? Why?

Y/N Well, if i leave Eren and Zeke alone in the same house for more than 2 days they are gonna kill each other.. plus, you are leaving this week.. I wont have time to pack all my stuff.. but I'll promise you I'll come.. okay?

You look at them and they look really dissapointed.

HANGE I now wish that I didn't get the job..

Y/N No no, Hange don't think like that, its not your fault that my brothers are jerks.. its okay, I will come to visit you, and, when I can I will move with you... dont think like that.

You hug them again and spend the day with them. The evening comes and you go back to the car. You start driving away and soon you get home. You park your car and go into the house.

Y/N What the actual...

The house is upside down. Everything is a mess. You hear shoutig from Zeke's room. You go and check, finding your brothers fighting over something, Eren throwing Zeke's things everywhere. 

EREN Move already! You are 10 years older than us, you need to live alone!

ZEKE This is my house kiddo, dont forget that after your mom's death I took you and Y/N with me, so if you really want not to see my face every day, there's the door, go ahead.

You enter the room and try to calm down Eren, so he doesnt get violent. You then slap both of them. 

Y/N I left you 2 alone just for one day.. one freaking day.. and you decide to act like little kids.. I get the fact that you are brothers, but for God's sake, you are adults, dont act like 10 year old kids! Oh my GOD! Why cant I have a day for myself for once?

You turn to Eren.

Y/N Why were you throwing Zeke's things all around the house? And why were you guys fighting? You know what? I dont even want to know. And you were crazy as fuck.. why dont you ever listen to your therapist?

You then turn to Zeke.

Y/N You are literally the stupidest person I know. You see your bro throwing your things around the house and you dont try to stop him, you dont try to calm him down, nope. You just stay there and watch like you were petrafied and you couldnt move.. you are twice the size of him-

EREN I dont think so.. *he said keeping himself from laughing*

You give Eren the death stare. You feel your blood going to your head and you get angrier. You take a deep breath and try to keep yourself from beating Eren's ass.

Y/N You both, clean this mess. I need to calm down a little...

EREN To clean? Me and Zeke?

Y/N Dont you even dare to think that I will clean this.

You go to your room and lay on the bed, tired, trying to fall asleep, but you cant, because of the yelling from downstairs. After 15 minutes they were getting really bad on your nerves. You get up and go downstairs. When they see how angry you are they immediately stop yelling and fighting and actually start to clean up. You go to the kitchen and take a painkiller to stop the headache. Then yo go back to your room and try to sleep, but right when you are about to fall asleep your brothers start fighting again. This is the last straw. You go downstairs again and look directly at them. They look back at you and dont say a word, them expecting you to yell at them, but your anger turns into tears. You stare at them with teary eyes, they stare at you shocked. You rarely cry, and you are never angry... They look at each other. 

Y/N Why do you always need to fight... why cant you 2 get along with each other? At least once this lifetime..

ZEKE Y/N, please calm down..

Y/N I am completely calm!

You run back to your room and cry in your pillow a little, until you fall asleep. You wake up and go eat because you didnt eat dinner and you are really hungry. They actually cleaned. And Zeke made you breakfast. You take it and go eat in your room while working on your manga.

*skip to a few days later*

You pick up your lover and drive them to the airport. You get there. Its the moment you need to say goodbye to them.. but neither of you can. You just look each other in the eyes, until Hange finally breaks the ice.

HANGE Y/N, its okay, I'll be fine, I promise. You said Zeke and Eren didnt fight for a few days, so maybe you will get to move in with me soon..

You cant say anything. You hug and kiss them, not wanting to let them go, but you need to. You finally let them, then, a few moments later, watch their plane fly away...

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