Chapter 5 : "tell me the truth"

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I lied for you, baby,

I'd die for you, baby,

I've cried for you, baby.

But tell me,

what you've done for me?

- Done For Me : Charlie Puth ft. Kehlani

"I.. I have to go," I said, tears falling down.

"Let's go. I'll call us a taxi. You wait here, okay?" Layla said, as she brought me a little further from where Tyler and her were talking.

She walked back to Tyler and I could vaguely hear their conversation.

"We're done. Don't you dare try and explain yourself." Layla said.

She was breaking up with him. For me. No, this is all my fault.

"Layla, we're not breaking up because of this petty thing, I already told you, he deserves to know." Tyler retorted.

"No, no, I'm not just mad that you read the letter and made the decision on your own to give Levi the letter, I'm mad that you did that to Echo. You did that to my best friend. Where the hell does respect lie in this relationship, Tyler? You snitched on her, who knows what else you'll snitch on in the future, huh?" She said.

"Trust, Tyler. She trusted me. I trusted you, you shouldn't even have opened the letter in the first place, I seriously can't believe you think that what you did was right."

"Look, Layla, I know you're mad, but I just wanted Echo to be honest with Levi." He said.

"Honesty? Wow, okay. This had nothing to do with honesty. It's her damn feelings, what part of feelings do you not understand? She is not entitled to tell everyone about her damn feelings, Tyler. And, once a snitch, forever a snitch. I take loyalty very seriously, Tyler. You broke my best friend's heart, which means you broke mine. Thank you for all you've done for me, but it's over." She said, walking back towards me.

"Fine, suit yourself, I swear you'll regret this." He shouted.

"Yeah sure, whatever makes you happy." She said.

When she reached me, she hugged me and I started crying. We went back to Layla's house, and she brought me a tub of cotton candy ice cream from Baskin Robbins, with two spoons. We ate the ice cream while rewatching the Harry Potter series together. None of us mentioned what happened at the party but Layla apologised for what Tyler did to me.

"It's not your fault, Layla. You did absolutely nothing wrong. I just might need help to you know, face Levi."

"I know, but I'm still sorry, I just didn't think he would do something like this. As for Levi.. hey your phone's ringing." She said.

I took my phone out of my handbag and I dropped my phone after seeing the name flash on the phone screen. Levi.

"Why the hell is he calling? Isn't the party still going on? Oh shit, what should I do, Layla?"

"Answer it. Answer it, Echo. The more you run away from this situation, the more awkward it's gonna get." She said after thinking for a little while.

"Alright, okay."

I answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Echo, hey! I'm at the gate of your house, can I see you? I have something to tell you." He said.

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