Chapter 16 : "drunk and high"

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I drink 'till I'm drunk,

smoke 'till I'm high."

- Wake Up in the Sky : Gucci Mane, Bruno Mars, Kodak Black

- 6 years later -

{Levi pov}

"Paris. I expect you to be ready and be fully prepared for what is to come. The company's counting on you now. It will be a new and fulfilling experience and I expect you to live up to our family name. Do you understand me, Levi?" My dad asked.

"Paris?" I asked.

"Why? Do you have a problem with that?"

"No. No, it's perfectly alright. So, when do I leave?"

"Day after tomorrow." My dad said.

I nodded, leaving his office. I was beyond ecstatic. That's where she is, I thought. It's time to find her, it's finally time.

After finishing business school, my dad deemed me ready to partially take over his company. He wanted me to gain more experience in the branch in Paris before taking over the one here. That's when I was introduced to Lucas. Lucas was an amazing guy, who became more like a friend to me. He was working for my dad, and was second in command. My dad trusted him with the company. Lucas and I were going to lead the company in Paris for some time. Lucas travels occasionally, back and forth from Paris, and we decided to leave to Paris together.

Finding her wasn't an issue. As much as I didn't want to feel like I was stalking her, I still did some background checks on her after I started working in the company. All I found out was where she was, and what she was doing.

She was an English teacher in a school and she lived in an apartment with her friend, Alison Bernard. That's it. That's all I know. I can't believe it's finally time to meet her, I'm going to win her back, that's for sure. I only hope she doesn't have someone else already.

As for Sierra, we broke up the day Echo left to Paris. I told her I couldn't commit to the relationship because I was in love with someone else. Sierra was not happy, she started screaming and breaking stuff. How the hell did I even put up with her, I thought? I realised that the both of us never really loved each other, we were both attracted to the attention and lust, but not love.

"You coming?" Lucas asked.

"Hmm, yeah. Where are we going?"

"It's almost your last night here, I thought it'd be nice to go to our favourite bar with our colleagues." He said.

"Alright, shall I meet you there?"

"Yup, I've got to meet my girlfriend first, I'll come over in a bit." He said.

"Hahaha, okay, does she know you're going back to Paris?"

"Yeah, she does. She's coming over soon, we're planning to have a party. I still think I should tell her you're going too."

"Fuck no. Layla would literally slice me in pieces before I even reach Echo. She would do anything to protect her friend." I said, thinking about how dangerous Layla can be.

"And that's Layla for you." He said laughing.

So yes, Lucas was dating Layla, they met at the same bar we were going to. Layla knew Lucas and I worked closely together, and she would always tag along but Echo's name was rarely brought up.

Layla did tell me how she was doing, and even told me that Echo had a friend named Nick, who was from around here, and they both worked together in the same school. Apparently, he was a music teacher. I gritted my teeth hearing about him, hoping she didn't feel anything for him. I might have competition now, ugh.

Other than that, Layla knew nothing about me going to Paris, I deliberately asked Lucas to hide it from her. She'll eventually know anyways, but I don't want her to spoil the plan I have in store.

I reached the bar, seeing some of colleagues already there. We were very much like a family, and I was definitely going to miss them. Lucas joined in later, and we all decided to get a little more drunk than usual.

"Drinks' on me, people! Cheers to the years I've worked in Black Enterprises, and had some of the best days in my life. I.. I'm going to fucking miss ya'll!" I raised my glass and so did everyone else, and the cheering commenced.

"Okay, let's get you home." I heard Lucas saying, while dragging me out of the bar. He called my driver to come get me.

"See you tomorrow, Lucas! To Paris!" I drunkenly said while laughing.

As I sat in the car, I remembered the day, I called her just before she left. Would she be happy to see me? What would her reaction be? Does she even miss me? Does she even want to see me again or what if she meant every word she said that time she didn't want me to look for her?

When I reached home, I took out my wallet and saw the polaroid of us together, where I placed it. I smiled thinking about how I was finally going to see her again, see Echo again, my Echo. I slept in pure bliss waiting for the next day to arrive.


{Echo pov}

"Echo, oh god, what would I do without you?" Alison said, grabbing my cheeks.

"Okay, time to get drunk Alison home. Allons-y!" I said trying to push her off me. (Let's go!)

I dragged her home, and she fell asleep as soon as she was on the bed. I was glad tomorrow was the weekend, thank God I got to sleep in. I didn't drink. I couldn't.

Life in Paris was good! I was working as an English teacher. I learnt a little French here and there, while staying here for quite some time, and I was lucky enough to meet Alison who was my housemate, she speaked English quite fluently considering how she grew up mostly in the States. She was fun to be around with, a great person to talk to, and really beautiful. She was working as a fashion designer here.

School was fun too! I met Nick, who I automatically clicked with, as we both were the only ones in the school who were not French. He was really nice, too nice, in fact but never overbearing. He had a really soft and warm personality and was good-looking too, but that's it, I can't see him as more than just a friend. The irony, I know. Levi must have felt the same about me too. God, why am I still thinking about him.

If I was being really honest, it has already been 6 years, and as much as I don't want to admit it, I miss him, not all the time, but occasionally. I wonder what he's doing and how he's doing. I wonder how his relationship with Sierra is. I wonder what he did to the gifts I got for him. I wonder more than I should, to be honest. I thought cutting off complete contact with him would make me forget him, but eating mint chocolate chip ice cream or even just looking at the stars would make me think of him. I guess that's why I wore the bracelet he got me, it was my lucky charm, the only trace that was left of him.

Layla met Lucas who was from Paris, and I was really happy because she got to come over often. She was a biomedical scientist, it was her dream job, I'm so proud of her. Layla and Alison clicked really fast, and so we were somewhat like the three musketeers. Layla's having a party soon, and I can't wait for us to be reunited.

Now, if you're wondering why I couldn't drink alcohol, well, a month ago, I found out I had cancer. Breast cancer, stage 2, to be exact.

It came as shock to everyone around me, of course. So far, only my family, Layla and Alison knew about it. I was getting treatment, and it was going alright. The doctor said I had a good chance of overcoming it as long as I completed my treatment, and took good care of my health. I tried to look at the positive side of things, and wanting to live for myself, but this was the exact reason why I avoided getting into relationships at all costs.

Relationships require emotions, and I knew I was never going to be able to give it my all, knowing I was going to leave anyways.

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